We foresee more than 400 man-months for new positions for young postdoctoral fellows. At the same time about 75 young postdoctoral fellows theoretical physics related with the quantum theory of unified theories of particle interactions, in particular the quantization of gravity. with other positions will get the opportunity to travel between the institutes. They will become part of teams which perform the frontline Supersymmetry is the common denominator of most of the research involved. research. Furthermore, we will organise meetings between these teams where Non perturbative results in gauge-theories, string theory and condensed matter applications rank among the goals, but also constraints on particle the renown experts will explain their results and plans, and the fellows phenomenology from unified theories will be considered. The network will get the opportunity to present their work.
involves 9 contracting institutes, who will collaborate with subcontracting institutes. Most of these have already collaborated with EEC support under contract SCIENCE, SCI*CT92 0789. The participants include many scientists who are internationally renown experts in the fields of investigation and who have done the pioneering work on the subject or even introduced the subject itself.
Campo scientifico
Invito a presentare proposte
Data not availableMeccanismo di finanziamento
NET - Research network contractsCoordinatore
3001 Leuven