The BESTCOIN project aims to create a dialogue between a network of organisations, who are active in liaison between universities, research bodies and industry, to enable definition of best practice.
The network will consider various aspects of University - Industry Liaison (UIL):
- What activities are involved in UIL?
- Can activities be quantified and represented graphically?
- What skills are required for successful UIL?
This process will test the use of a novel form of representation of relationships (the function graph). The function graph will be used to demonstrate the contribution of different activities - quantified in terms of time / financial resources - to successful UIL. It is hoped that this will allow identification of the critical activities in successful UIL, and will give organisations a basic tool for assessing use of resources against best practice.
This activity will be accompanied by a qualitative examination of UIL.
Specific results expected at the end of the project lifetime:
- BESTCOIN website;
- Validation of the function graph tool;
- Best practice guides - adapted to the local situation in each of the partner countries/regions.
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