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Contenuto archiviato il 2024-05-18

Tqm - training, implementation and support network for SMEs


The basic idea of the project lies in setting up a net of support centres for helping SMEs to implement a TQM approach following either the EFQM Model of Excellence, or its national variations. It can be seen as a prove, that the EFQM model is of big help for any size of SMEs, in learning and implementing a strategic quality management.
To facilitate the EFQM implementation the net partners will use the results of the ESPRIT Project AnaFact as a starting point. The Anafact Teachware and the GOA-EFQM application will be used as a relatively low cost tool for automating and supporting the EFQM process as far as possible.

The general objective of the project is the propagation of the EFQM Model of Excellence within SMEs facilitated by using the results of the ESPRIT project AnaFact as starting point.
These previous results of the ESPRIT project namely are the GOA-EFQM tool and the AnaFact TeachWare on how to implement EFQM.

The Work of the project has a technical and a non technical component:
* The technical component consists in the localisation and adaptation of the existing AnaFact solutions, namely GOA-EFQM and TeachWare, to the test fields in Austria, France, Portugal and Spain.
* The non-technical work lies in developing supporting training and consulting modules with which the multiplying partners will help to facilitate the EFQM implementation in 8-12 test beds per region.

Additionally, information events will sensibilize the local SMEs and the test beds will act as reference cases.

The expected results are the Implementation of EFQM in about 40 SMEs and to complete a Best Practice Report on how to implement EFQM in SMEs


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Portuetxe Bidea, 14 Edificio IBAETA 1º

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