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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE
Contenuto archiviato il 2024-05-15

Entrepreneurship Laboratory for Eastern European Regions


ENLARGE is a non take up accompanying measure that addresses the IST Action line II.1.5 by promoting broad adoption of eCommerce and eWork in regional and sectoral settings of Eastern Europe and Balkan countries. ENLARGE will develop a methodology for devising and putting into action an eBusiness strategy, customised in nation specific and local characteristics of the participating countries. The project will also produce training courses that target SMEs managers and aim at stimulating their exploitation of eBusiness opportunities. ENLARGE results will be tested in Enlargement countries, where eCommerce deployment is still low. ENLARGE aims to support economic integration of Enlargement countries by providing an e-strategy framework that will stimulate SMEs participation into global digital economy

The project aims to promote the integration of candidate enlargement countries through the application of a methodology for devising and putting into action eBusiness strategy in SMEs and a series of executive education programs customized for SME managers in Eastern Europe.

The project objectives are:
1. To promote awareness of eBusiness/eCommerce opportunities and challenges in Eastern Europe at a micro level by addressing business managers directly;
2. To engage in initiatives that transfer practical knowledge;
3. To show how knowledge can be converted into action;
4. To focus on management action rather than generic awareness;
5. To demonstrate how eBusiness decisions are taken in practice;
6. To generate learning from experience;
7. To address local conditions and requirements.

The project develops and delivers customized executive development training programs. Additionally, the project generates further awareness among SME executives in Eastern Europe by applying a hands-on, participative eStrategy methodology. The preparation of Eastern European Case Studies will serve the needs of the regions in understanding the opportunities and challenges of eBusiness in their own environments. The project targets key decision makers, based on the argument that senior management awareness and commitment is the main obstacle to successful and sustainable adoption of innovative technologies, processes and practices. The executive development programs are the main mechanism through which senior SME management will approach eBusiness strategy making. They are structured as customised education programs. Furthermore, they are hands-on education programs. The actions planned for in this project aim at accelerating the learning process within and between businesses in Candidate Enlargement Countries. The network infrastructure of the New Economy offers a more level playing field with greater opportunities for all businesses whether they are in more or less developed economies. Effective eBusiness practices put in practice will give companies in Eastern Europe exposure and access to global markets at a fraction of the cost and the risk. ENLARGE aims to cover both needs; to demonstrate the opportunities and possibilities and to transfer the knowledge necessary for the companies to make the right steps ahead. The workplan is divided into the following Workpackages that are fully described in PART B of the proposal: 1.The eBusiness environment in Eastern Europe. 2. e-Strategy Case Studies. 3.ENLARGE Curriculum Development. 4.Executive training. 5. Dissemination of project results. 6: Project management.


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Partecipanti (7)