EMII proposes a preparatory support action in order to establish a working model for the distributed provision of content of multiple types (including film, video, text and images) from multiple sources (including museums, broadcasters, libraries and archives) for the purposes of EC funded research projects. EMII will work together with partners from libraries, museums, broadcasters and the legal profession in order to establish the requirements of researchers. We will identify the specific issues that a whole range of content holders need to have addressed before they make the content in their care available for research purposes. Based on the resulting reports a set of provisional legal and technical conditions will be produced. National expert focus groups will comment on these. In the future content holders and researchers will be required to sign up to these conditions in the event of a distributed content repository being funded.
EMII will co-ordinate an accompanying measure to produce the framework within which a distributed content repository can be constituted. Many EC funded research projects depend upon high quality multi-media content. Currently certain issues hinder the availability of such resources, including: the understanding of requirements is not always shared between technical and content holder partners, content is used for single projects and the potential for re-use is not exploited. Future preservation of content is not assured; content holders are not convinced of the benefits of providing content for projects; discrete projects 'reinvent the wheel' in establishing projects-specific technical standards for content production and the legal agreements for content use. The EMII-dcf will be reviewed by a wide variety of content holders. When implemented any EC funded research project will have at its disposal a resource of quality content in a range of formats including images, film and audio.
Work description:
A wide range of partners with expertise in working with a variety of digitised content will establish user requirements. The priority target users will be researchers working of EC funded projects. In addition content holders will also specify the requirements of professional users and end users (e.g. citizens) so as to ensure that content produced for researchers is not redundant when exploited in other domains. The EMII-dcf will provide categories of content depending on medium, storage. The work package report will feed into the work of partners working on legal and technical issues. On the basis of the user requirement report legal and technical experts will propose templates and guidelines, which will form the framework. All content holders will thereby be provided with a clear understanding of what is needed in terms of technical standards when providing content for EC funded projects.
Four meetings constitute the project milestones at which all progress will be monitored and deliverables formally signed off:
Steering Committee 1: project kick-off. Approval of membership of national expert groups. Establishment of project ground rules including all procedures;
Steering Committee 2: signing off content creation issues report;
Steering Committee 3: signing off standards and legal requirements deliverables;
Steering Committee 4: signing off framework. Project review.
Invito a presentare proposte
Data not availableMeccanismo di finanziamento
ACM - Preparatory, accompanying and support measuresCoordinatore
Regno Unito