CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE
Contenuto archiviato il 2024-04-19

Characterization of susceptibility of metallic materials to environmentally assisted cracking

Exploitable results

The main objective of the project was the development of a new test procedure for the quantitative characterization of the susceptibility of structural materials to Environmentally Assisted Cracking (EAC). The procedure was based on a rising displacement type of test, in accordance with the recommendations of Technical Committee 10 of the European Structural Integrity Society. The project has in essence determined the requirements of the test procedure as well as the number of tests that have to be carried out, it has assessed the applicability and reliability of the procedure in comparison with other procedures for testing EAC and it has elaborated guidelines in the form of a draft for a new part ("Part 9") of ISO standard 7539. This part of ISO 7539 covers procedures for conducting constant displacement rate tests on pre-cracked specimens for investigating susceptibility of metallic materials to stress corrosion cracking.

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