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Risultati finali
Information Security Management Components and Documentation, Version 1
Report on Standardisation and Policies, V1Report on standardization and policies, Version 1. This deliverable will list the sessions of the standards organizations and describe the work packages that were suggested for introduction in the standards.
Report on Events, V2Report on events, Version 2. This deliverable will provide a list of the events, and details on the planning and the organization (incl. publicity etc.).
Description of available components for SW functions, infrastructure and related documentation, V2Description of available components for SW functions, infrastructure and related documentation, Version 2
The Survivability by Design conceptThis report will capture the work related to the third research concept: survivability by design. The research methodology used and the main laboratory results, based on simulation, will be described. The deliverable will be a revision of D2.6 based on the results of the work of the second project year.
Operational Trial Results, V1Operational Trials results, Version 1 This deliverable will comprise the initial results regardsing the implementation of the field trials in Ireland, Italy and Romania. This first version of the report on operational trial results will describe the preparatory work for the trials, use case evaluation criteria and the trial design and security assessment methodologies.
Report on Standardisation and Policies, V3Report on standardization and policies, Version 3 This deliverable will list the sessions of the standards organizations and describe the work packages that were suggested for introduction in the standards.
Integration and Validation Plan. Test and certification specifications, V1Integration and Validation Plan. Test and certification specifications Version 1.
SUCCESS Scalability, V2SUCCESS scalability, Version 2. This deliverable will comprise the final project results regarding scalability of our toolkits. SUCCESS outputs, such as anomaly and intrusion detection toolkits, will need to be market-exploitable, requiring them to be scalabile, capable of supporting millions of devices and supra-national monitoring. This report will describe the status of our work in relation to this goal.
Report on Marketing Tools, V2Report on marketing tools, Version 2. This deliverable will comprise a listing and a description of the created marketing tools and usage parameters to the extent possible
SUCCESS Scalability, V1SUCCESS scalability, Version 1. This deliverable will comprise the initial results regarding scalability of our toolkits. SUCCESS outputs, such as anomaly and intrusion detection toolkits, will need to be market-exploitable, requiring them to be scalabile, capable of supporting millions of devices and supra-national monitoring.
Report on Marketing Tools, V1Report on marketing tools, Version 1. This deliverable will comprise a listing and a description of the created marketing tools and usage parameters to the extent possible
Penetration Test ResultsPenetration Tests Results. A report on the result of the penetration testing and student hackathons, and the impact on the SUCCESS design resulting from these tests.
Innovative approach to data privacy for energy servicesInnovative approach to data privacy for energy services. Elaborates an innovative approach to data privacy for energy services.
Information Security Management Components and Documentation, V3Information Security Management Components and Documentation, Version 3
Guidelines and blueprints for data privacy in real time energy servicesGuidelines and blueprints for data privacy in real time energy services, R M30
Report on Certification Preparation, V1Report on Certification Preparation, Version 1. This deliverable will describe the certification process as agreed with the advisory board. Technical details will be references in the respective documents.
Description of available components for SW functions, infrastructure and related documentation, V3Description of available components for SW functions, infrastructure and related documentation, Version 3
Report on Marketing Tools, V3Report on marketing tools, Version 3. This deliverable will comprise a listing and a description of the created marketing tools and usage parameters to the extent possible
Smart Grid Test & certification specifications, V2Smart Grid Test & certification specifications, Version 2.
Integration and Validation Plan - Test and certification specifications, V2Integration and Validation Plan. Test and certification specifications, Version 2. Describes the approach to validation and planning for certification testing.
First Solution Architecture (SA) and Solution Description (SD), V3First Solution Architecture (SA) and Solution Description (SD),Version 3
Report on Standardisation and Policies, V2Report on standardization and policies, Version 2. This deliverable will list the sessions of the standards organizations and describe the work packages that were suggested for introduction in the standards.
First Solution Architecture (SA) and Solution Description (SD), V1First Solution Architecture (SA) and Solution Description (SD) Version 1
The Resilience by Design concept V1"This report will capture the work related to the initial version of the second research concept: ""resilience by design"". The research methodology used and the laboratory results, based on simulation, will be described. "
Report on Certification Preparation, V2Report on Certification Preparation,Version 2. This deliverable will describe the certification process as agreed with the advisory board. Technical details will be references in the respective documents.
Next Generation Smart Meter, V1Next Generation Smart Meter, Version 1
Report on Events, V3Report on events, Version 3. This deliverable will provide a list of the events, and details on the planning and the organization (incl. publicity etc.).
Information Security Management Components and Documentation, V2Information Security Management Components and Documentation, Version 2
Report on Events, V1Report on events, Version 1. This deliverable will provide a list of the events, and details on the planning and the organization (incl. publicity etc.).
The Survivability by Design concept V1"This report will capture the work related to the initial version of the third research concept: ""survivability by design"". The research methodology used and the main laboratory results, based on simulation, will be described. "
First Solution Architecture (SA) and Solution Description (SD), V2First Solution Architecture (SA) and Solution Description (SD), Version 2
The Security by Design concept V2This report will capture the work related to the final elaboration of the first research concept: security by design. Methodology and main laboratory results based on simulation will be described. This deliverable will be a revision of D2.2 based on the results of the work of the Second Project year.
Integration and Validation Plan. Test and certification specifications, V3Integration and Validation Plan. Test and certification specifications. R M9, M15, M30
Trial site planningTrial site planning. This deliverable will provide a final report on feedback to SUCCESS designers of the operational aspects of the system design, and report on the result of the laboratory tests of component integration and scalability.
Description of available components for SW functions, infrastructure and related documentation, V1Description of available components for SW functions, infrastructure and related documentation Version 1.
Overarching Demo in the LabThis report will describe the results of the simulation activity performed for an exemplary reference case that will be used to simultaneously demonstrate the three research concepts in action.
The Resilience by Design concept V2"This report will capture the work related to the final ebaloration of the second research concept: ""resilience by design"". The research methodology used and the laboratory results, based on simulation, will be described. This report will be a revision of D2.4 based on the results of work in second project year. "
Integration and Validation Plan - Test and certification specifications, V3Integration and Validation Plan. Test and certification specifications, Version 3. Describes the approach to validation and planning for certification testing.
Next Generation Smart Meter, Version 2Next Generation Smart Meter, V3
Next Generation Smart Meter, R M12, M24, M30
Progress ReportAnnual report on Project Progress, Year 2 report.
Integration and Validation Plan - Test and certification specifications, V1Integration and Validation Plan. Test and certification specifications, Version 1. Describes the approach to validation and planning for certification testing.
Smart Grid Test & certification specifications, V1Smart Grid Test & certification specifications, Version 1
Integration and Validation Plan. Test and certification specifications, V2Integration and Validation Plan. Test and certification specifications, Version 2.
Operational Trial Results, V2Operational Trials results, Version 2. This deliverable will comprise the final results regardsing the implementation of the field trials in Ireland, Italy and Romania. This second and final version of the report on operational trial results will describe the final outcome of each of the trials.
The Security by Design Concept V1"This report will capture the work related to the initial version of the first research concept: ""security by design"". Methodology and main laboratory results based on simulation will be described. "
Mihai Sanduleac, Gianluca Lipari, Antonello Monti, Artemis Voulkidis, Gianluca Zanetto, Antonello Corsi, Lucian Toma, Giampaolo Fiorentino, Dumitru Federenciuc
Pubblicato in:
Energies, Numero 10/7, 2017, Pagina/e 857, ISSN 1996-1073
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
Mikhail Simonov, Gianfranco Chicco, Gianluca Zanetto
Pubblicato in:
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Numero 53/4, 2017, Pagina/e 3217-3227, ISSN 0093-9994
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Sergio Barreto Andrade, Marco Pignati, Gyorgy Dan, Mario Paolone, Jean-Yves Le Boudec
Pubblicato in:
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2018, Pagina/e 1-1, ISSN 1949-3053
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Abhinav Sadu, Lukas Ostendorf, Gianluca Lipari, Ferdinanda Ponci, Antonello Monti
Pubblicato in:
2018 IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON), 2018, Pagina/e 1-6, ISBN 978-1-5386-3669-5
De Din, Edoardo; Lipari, Gianluca; Angioni, Andrea; Ponci, Ferdinanda; Monti, Antonello
Pubblicato in:
2017 IEEE International Workshop on Measurements and Networking : M&N : 2017 proceedings papers / organized & sponsored by: IEEE, IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Society ; workshop is promoted by TC-37 of IMS<br/>4th IEEE International Workshop on Measurements & Networking, M&N, Naples, Italy, 2017-09-27 - 2017-09-29, Numero 3, 2018, ISBN 978-1-5090-5679-8
Andrea Angioni, Gianluca Lipari, Marco Pau, Ferdinanda Ponci, Antonello Monti
Pubblicato in:
2017 IEEE International Workshop on Applied Measurements for Power Systems (AMPS), 2017, Pagina/e 1-6, ISBN 978-1-5386-0343-7
Edoardo De Din, Charukeshi Joglekar, Gianluca Lipari, Ferdinanda Ponci, Antonello Monti
Pubblicato in:
2018 International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies (SEST), 2018, Pagina/e 1-6, ISBN 978-1-5386-5326-5
Mikhail Simonov, Gianluca Zanetto, Gianfranco Chicco
Pubblicato in:
2016 Second International Conference on Event-based Control, Communication, and Signal Processing (EBCCSP), 2016, Pagina/e 1-8, ISBN 978-1-5090-4196-1
Peiyue Zhao; György Dán
Pubblicato in:
IFIP/TC6 Networking 2017, 2017, ISBN 978-3-901882-94-4
Mikhail Simonov, Gianfranco Chicco, Gianluca Zanetto
Pubblicato in:
2016 Second International Conference on Event-based Control, Communication, and Signal Processing (EBCCSP), 2016, Pagina/e 1-7, ISBN 978-1-5090-4196-1
Mikhail Simonov, Gianluca Zanetto, Gianfranco Chicco
Pubblicato in:
2016 Second International Conference on Event-based Control, Communication, and Signal Processing (EBCCSP), 2016, Pagina/e 1-8, ISBN 978-1-5090-4196-1
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