Linking research with industry
The RITA project brought together researchers and companies to create a network and improve the work of two existing living labs. In particular, the RITA project built upon the results obtained from past initiatives: the 'Pôle d'expérimentation et d'application des technologies spatiales' (PATS) and the 'Observatoire spatial régional' (OSR) in France. These initiatives assumed that there was significant potential for the application of remote sensing to land use and natural resource management. This potential remained, however, largely untapped. The research sector is usually the most proactive partner, while industry needs to wait for new technology to be introduced before new products can be developed. By working closely with researchers, companies can become involved in the innovation process. On one hand, the researchers are given the desired practical applications for data provided by Earth observation satellites. On the other hand, they work together with the end-users to create remote sensing products as an answer to real market demands. Companies can understand the creation processes, as well as the relationship between the quality of technical solutions proposed and user-perceived quality. Between 2008 and 2010, the RITA project served to enhance the ability to experiment on both local and regional scales. It supported research and development projects, whose focus was on transferring their results to companies. At the same time, it encouraged companies to enrol in research activities dedicated to developing 'images' of the Earth's surface that contain more information than topographic maps, such as crop fields. Experience gained during the RITA project on the concept of living labs could be applied during expansion into other European regions.
Living lab, research, industry, end-users, Earth observation, remote sensing, land use, natural resources