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Content archived on 2024-06-18

Aeronautical Training Network in Aerodynamic Noise from Widebody Civil Aircraft

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Training for aircraft noise reduction

An EU project is helping to train researchers, via research, in the issues affecting noise in passenger aircraft. To date involving 11 trainee researchers, simulations have led to design of a new testing facility and the refinement of noise models.

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A former EU project (AEROTRANET, 2006-2010) addressed the issue of post-graduate research training for the aviation industry. Specifically, it addressed creation of specialist experts in reducing aerodynamic noise from wide-body aircraft. A new project extends the work. The EU-funded AEROTRANET 2 (Aeronautical training network in aerodynamic noise from widebody civil aircraft) project continues the doctoral and postdoctoral training started by AEROTRANET. The goal will be met via study of issues affecting an engine design configuration supplied by one of the partners. Research will involve various sophisticated modelling and simulation studies, addressing the noise issue. The project is scheduled to conclude in September 2016, after four years of operation. Results to date include simulations that captured overall flow geometry, highlighting aerodynamic interactions that affect noise. The outcomes have guided design of a new jet noise test facility, intended to help validate the simulations. Project numerical methods have been refined to improve predications of flow and noise and to simplify computations. Other new methods enabled combination of outputs from multiple instruments during experiments, to improve knowledge of noise sources. Project members also developed a framework for capturing and evaluating the research results in order to exploit opportunities for complementary validation. Work yielded a technique for evaluating uncertainties regarding predictions of shock-assisted jet noise. The technique was also tested on a pseudo-process. The AEROTRANET 2 project has set up a training scheme for aircraft engine noise specialists, including nine young and two experienced investigators. The researchers will apply the techniques they have learned to advance the field, also meaning opportunity for EU businesses.


Aircraft noise, noise reduction, aerodynamic noise, wide-body aircraft, training network

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