The contribution of vocational education to the Lisbon goals - call for tenders
The European Commission's Education and Culture DG has published a call for tenders for a study on the contribution of vocational education and training systems to achieving the Lisbon goals. The aim of the study is to provide insight into the current situation, reforms, trends and best practice as regards vocational education and training systems in Europe (EU Member States and acceding countries and members of the European Economic Area), and to compare findings with the performance of our main competitors world wide. In order to prepare the follow up to the Copenhagen Declaration on enhanced cooperation in vocational educational and training (VET), the study will assess where VET systems stand on meeting the Lisbon and Barcelona goals, i.e. that the EU should become 'the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world' and a 'world reference for quality' by 2010. It will highlight more radical policy approaches being introduced in some countries, raise questions and provoke debate on the most appropriate and urgent strategic policy implications. A wide range of experts, including academics and practitioners, should be actively involved in contributing to the study. The study will comprise three parts. - Section one will analyse the central role of VET systems in the achievement of the Lisbon objective. - Section two will address innovation in learning, including new pedagogies that place the learner at the centre, as well as new teaching and learning methods, for example ICT-supported learning and the new roles of teachers and trainers. - Section three will examine whether the level of quality, flexibility, adaptability and innovation of VET systems is adequate to match dramatic changes that characterise the European and indeed global labour markets. How VET systems are progressing on the relevant areas of the Copenhagen Declaration: transparency and recognition of qualifications and competences, quality assurance and mutual trust will be assessed.For further information, please contact: European Commission Directorate-General Education and Culture Attn: Martina Ni Cheallaigh B 7 office 5/31 B-1049 Brussels Tel +32 2 295 4640 Fax +32 2 295 7830 E-mail: To see the full details of the call, please consult the following web address: