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Content archived on 2024-05-30

Development of a sintering centre and know-how exchange for non equilibrium sintering methods of advanced ceramic composite materials

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Poland enhances research excellence in materials science and development

An EU initiative unlocked the research potential of the SINTERCER Centre, an integral part of Poland’s renowned Institute of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (IOS).

The EU-funded SINTERCER project boosted the SINTERCER Centre’s research and development capacity through transnational cooperation, knowledge exchange and facility upgrades. SINTERCER increased international cooperation with leading European research centres via twinning. Experienced scientists participated in over 100 working visits between IOS and 12 research groups from 11 partner institutions. Ten experienced scientists were hired from abroad to carry out research in collaboration with IOS staff. The professional development and expertise of the Centre’s personnel were supported by participation in international scientific events. In total, 2 international conferences, 4 seminars and 4 workshops attracted more than 500 participants. Researchers from key Polish and international centres in materials science took part in over 170 presentations. SINTERCER employees participated in conferences and seminars around the world, and gave more than 50 presentations on the research outcomes achieved by IOS. They published about 200 articles and/or papers, and submitted 5 patent applications. Such dissemination efforts also helped to increase awareness among decision-makers, stakeholders and the general public on materials science and modern manufacturing technology. To enhance the Centre’s research capabilities, SINTERCER purchased or modernised equipment. Specifically, existing equipment was adapted to create an innovative ultra-high-pressure high-temperature spark plasma sintering device in order to broaden the scope of research carried out in the field of obtaining materials in non-equilibrium conditions. X-ray diffractometer equipment and a dilatometer were procured to expand the range of methods that will be used by the Centre for studying material properties. Sintering would not be possible using traditional methods if not for these modern devices and techniques. Two applications for EU-funded projects and three applications for research grants financed by the Polish government and regional institutions were successful. SINTERCER shed important light on state-of-the-art processes used for hard and super-hard materials production and shaping, as well as practices applied in investigating developed materials. In doing so, it helped to put the Centre on the European Research Area map, ultimately making it an even more sought-after research partner.


Materials science, SINTERCER, Institute of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, sintering

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