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The NETD@YS EUROPE initiative was launched by the European Commission at the beginning of 1997, within the framework of the implementation of the "Learning in the Information Society" Action Plan. Benefiting from the support of the Member States, it proposed a wide range of ac...

17 October 1998 - 17 October 1998
The NETD@YS EUROPE initiative was launched by the European Commission at the beginning of 1997, within the framework of the implementation of the "Learning in the Information Society" Action Plan. Benefiting from the support of the Member States, it proposed a wide range of activities and encouraged the connection of schools to the Internet in all Member countries of the European Union and the European Economic Area.

The success of the 1997 experience has led the Commission to propose the renewal and enlargement of the scope of the experience in NETD@YS EUROPE 1998 - to take place during the week of 17 to 24 October 1998.

Based on a concept originally developed in the United States, the NETD@YS EUROPE initiative has been adapted to take account of the cultural and linguistic diversity of the European Union. The action is aimed essentially at promoting the connection of schools to the Internet - and more generally facilitating their access to information and communication technologies - and encouraging the creation of public/private partnerships to support this process.

The NETD@YS EUROPE operation will consequently be structured around three main objectives:

- To stimulate a large awareness campaign around the pedagogical value of the Internet and the dissemination of best practices, particularly by taking into consideration the experience of the hundreds of networks already operating in Europe, which use the Internet as a communication tool. Special attention will also be paid in this respect to projects already developed in this field in the framework of Community programmes and actions, in particular SOCRATES, LEONARDO DA VINCI and "Youth for Europe";

- To enhance the access to existing networks of schools, by connecting in particular schools which, due to the lack of human or financial resources, have not been able to participate so far;

- To stimulate the creation of new networks, where particular needs are felt at geographical or functional level.

The implementation of the NETD@YS EUROPE operation will be ensured through partnerships created at local, regional, national or European level between the three groups of players directly concerned: namely schools (and other learning places), enterprises and institutional partners.

The Commission for its part will play a role of stimulation and general coordination by:

- Providing a general framework for reflection and awareness-raising at European level, linked to a targeted communication campaign;

- Helping stimulate partnerships through the mobilization of the different categories of actors (schools, public authorities, businesses, the media, European networks...);

- Granting financial support to certain promotional activities, through existing programmes and Community initiatives.

The Commission is offering limited financial support to projects taking place during the week of 17 to 24 October 1998. Co-financing by the European Commission will apply only to awareness-raising and promotional activities which emphasise the pedagogical value of the use of Internet in schools and, additionally, in all learning places. It must be underlined that the purchase of hardware or software equipment may not be eligible for co-financing. Project promoters are also informed that the Community grant will only constitute a part of the total cost of a project, and that this grant can by no means exceed 50% of the total cost.

The NETD@YS EUROPE operation is mainly targeted at primary and secondary schools, including technical and vocational institutions. Schools and institutions involved in the SOCRATES programme, and more particularly the COMENIUS sub-programme, as well as institutions carrying out projects in the framework of the "Open and Distance Learning" action (Action 4 of the SOCRATES programme) are particularly invited to participate.

The Commission wishes to provide maximum freedom as regards the choice of topics, provided that they contribute to demonstrate the pedagogical value of the Internet and emphasize the European dimension. Activities may include the following:

- The creation or implementation of pedagogical content on the Internet;
- The designing of awareness-raising and training activities for teachers, parents or the public at large;
- The creation of new networks or the extension of already existing networks;
- Promotional activities on specific societal issues such as the fight against intolerance and racism, the fight against violence at school, the introduction of the Euro as well as the preparation of the younger generations to the challenges of the third millennium, etc.

The Commission will pay special attention to projects involving partnerships developed at local, regional, national and/or European level, as well as to those reflecting a European dimension.
For further information/submission of project proposals, please contact:

European Commission
DG XXII - Education, training and youth
Mr. Jimmy Jamar/ Mr. Alain Dumort
Sector "New Technologies in Education and Training"
5-7 rue Belliard (8/03)
B-1040 Brussels
Tel. +32-2-2952082; Fax +32-2-2966297

Information is also available on the NET@YS EUROPE Web site at:

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