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Advanced materials enabling the integration of storage technologies in the electricity grid


By the development and demonstration of solutions based on advanced functional particles, filaments, layers, coatings and new functionalities, proposals should contribute to the integration of storage devices in the electrical grid. Targeted applications could include, but are not limited to, high capacity cables with optimized strength and conductivity, and superconductors, (extra) high voltage cables and accessories up to 1000 kV, materials for medium voltage (2kV to 35kV) and smart electrical accessories, new materials for extreme conditions and surface treatment of existing materials to protect and improve performances within the context of the electricity grid.

Activities addressing the development of materials specifically for energy storage technologies and for power electronics are outside the scope of this call. A dedicated topic on materials research for power electronics is included in this Work Programme under topic NMBP 02-2016 ""Advanced Materials for Power Electronics based on wide bandgap semiconductor devices technology"". The proposed solutions should be assessed on their technical and economical viability.

This topic calls for proposals with focus on advanced materials solutions for electricity grid related technologies. A partially complementary topic is published in the “Secure, clean and efficient energy” part of this Work Programme (LCE 1-2016: Next generation innovative technologies enabling smart grids, storage and energy system integration with increasing share of renewables: distribution network), calling for proposals on solutions starting from the technology part of the value chain.

The implementation of this topic is intended to start at TRL 5 and target TRL 6.

The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU between EUR 6 and 8 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.

Reliable access to cost-effective electricity is the backbone of the EU economy, and electrical energy storage is an integral element in this system. Without significant investments in stationary electrical energy storage, the current electric grid infrastructure will increasingly struggle to provide reliable, affordable electricity, thereby jeopardizing the transformational changes envisioned for a modernized grid. Investment in integrating energy storage refurbishing the grid is essential for keeping pace with the increasing demands for electricity arising from continued growth in productivity and the projected increase in distributed and/or intermittent energy sources. The technical aspects that will be posed by an improved grid include inventing new technologies requiring new advanced materials. Some materials will improve the current technology, while some will enable emerging technologies.

The performance levels of the proposed materials solution(s) should be in line with those specified in relevant parts of the SET-Plan Integrated Roadmap and its Annexes, available at

  • Significant enhancement of power supply reliability, managing volatility of the grid considering the connection of renewable energy sources, increased grid efficiency;
  • Alleviation of geographical constraints for low carbon energy production with increased efficiencies at a reduced cost;
  • Reduction of the barriers to increase the penetration rate of distributed and/or intermittent renewable energy sources.

Proposals should include a business case and exploitation strategy, as outlined in the Introduction to the LEIT part of this Work Programme.