CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Power to the LHC data: an ASYmptotically MOdel-independent measurement of the W boson mass


Wie eine unbeschriebene Tafel und ein riesiger Datensatz die Masse des W-Bosons eingrenzen könnten

Gemäß dem Standardmodell der Teilchenphysik besteht unser gesamtes Universum aus 17 verschiedenen Elementarteilchen. Dazu gehören die Bausteine der Materie, sechs Quarks und sechs Leptonen, sowie fünf Kraftteilchen, darunter das W-Boson. Das W-Boson wurde vor etwa vier Jahrzehnten entdeckt, und die Wissenschaft versucht sich immer noch daran, seine Masse genau zu bestimmen. Es ist eine Diskrepanz zwischen seinem auf der Grundlage des Standardmodells zu erwartenden und seinem experimentell ermittelten Wert zu verzeichnen. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt ASYMOW wird einen neuartigen Ansatz ausprobieren, wobei es alles bisherige Wissen in den Wind schlägt und sich stattdessen auf die gewaltige Menge an verfügbaren Daten aus den modernsten Experimenten unserer Zeit stützt.


Despite its success in describing the sub-nuclear realm, the Standard Model of particle and field interactions cannot account for a number of experimental facts that constitute evidence of new and unknown physics. Sitting at both the energy and intensity frontier, the LHC grants the highest chances for solving the current puzzle. By exploiting the data collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC, ASYMOW aims at attaining an unprecedented experimental accuracy on a fundamental parameter of Nature: the mass of the W boson. As of today, there is a tension between the Standard Model expectation and the measured value of the W boson mass. A new measurement with a 10 MeV uncertainty, i.e. twice as small as the single best measurement, is a breakthrough: it could either rule out the tension or build a convincing case that this anomaly is real, thus implying the existence of new physics. The collider physics community has been pursuing this goal for decades. The quest now seems to have hit the wall of systematic uncertainty. This project proposes a new approach towards the W boson mass measurement, which will circumvent the systematic uncertainties that are currently limiting the precision. The novelty of the proposed method lies in its agnosticism with respect to the microscopic picture of W boson production in hadron collisions. The loss of prior knowledge inherent to this new approach will be asymptotically compensated by the large amount of data available for the measurement, as will be collected at the LHC. ASYMOW will be conducted by a small group of scientists and comes with great experimental and theoretical challenges. The main expected result is the measurement of the W boson mass with a precision better than the state-of-the-art. This may open new scenarios in particle physics.

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€ 936 250,00
56126 Pisa

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Centro (IT) Toscana Pisa
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 936 250,00

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