Periodic Reporting for period 2 - FUTURE-HORIZON (Future on-/off-road transport and mobility research, cross-border cooperation strategies, realization actions and procurement processes)
Berichtszeitraum: 2022-02-01 bis 2023-05-31
• Provide high-quality input for ERTRAC roadmaps, strategic research agendas and future ERTRAC implementation
• Explore RTR strategies in Europe, other established markets and emerging markets
• Enable capacity-building for local and national policy makers, practitioners, entrepreneurs and operators to generate, implement and operate innovative sustainable mobility solutions
• Facilitate close cooperation with financing institutions and potential funding organisations
• Utilize the vast expertise of an elaborate stakeholder network, incorporating also external advice in project outputs
• Develop an ERTRAC dissemination strategy and disseminate key ERTRAC activities and publications
• Explore potential effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on established RTR markets and assess crisis mitigation measures
• Carbon-neutral Road Transport 2050: A technical study from a well-to-wheels perspective (April 2021)
• Concepts for an updated CAD roadmap (May 2021)
• Urban Mobility Resilience Roadmap (July 2021)
• New Mobility Services Roadmap (August 2021)
• Updated CAD roadmap draft for public consultation (September 2021)
• Towards Vision Zero: Following the Safe System Approach (November 2021)
• Report on identifying European academic centres of excellence (November 2021)
• ERTRAC position paper: Technology and research perspective on the “Fit for 55” package proposal (December 2021)
• Data Base on RTR in US, China, South-Korea and Japan established and continuously filled
• Templates of country-specific fact sheets drafted
• Workshop on international collaboration on RTR held on 10 December 2021
• Concept note on role of ambassadors edited
• List of potential ambassadors in all four countries with ten first entries made
• Contribution to regional trainings on implementing electric mobility in Asia and Latin America
• Support in developing policy guidelines for the ASEAN on Multimodal hubs and Open Data
• Technical publication “Integration is key: The role of electric mobility for low carbon and sustainable cities”
• Development and submission of Deliverable 4.1 “ERTRAC Dissemination strategy”, in month 4.
• Update of the ERTRAC website to feature content on FUTURE-HORIZON on a dedicated page
• Creation of a list of communication contacts in supporting partners
• Supported the design of two ERTRAC Roadmaps on “urban mobility resilience” and “new urban mobility services”
• Promotion of ERTRAC, CCAM and 2Zero Partnership on POLIS social media, website and newsletters
Reporting period 2 ( 02/22-01/23):
o ERTRAC Timeline to Carbon Neutrality (March 2021)
o Presentation ERTRAC CO2 WtW Study (April 2021)
o Presentation ERTRAC CAD WG (May 2021)
o ERTRAC Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility roadmap, draft for public consultation (September 2021)
o ERTRAC Safe Road Transport Research Roadmap (December 2021)
o ERTRAC position: Technology and Research Perspective on the “Fit for 55” Proposal (December 2021)
o ERTRAC Urban Mobility Resilience Roadmap (February 2022)
o ERTRAC New Mobility Services Roadmap (February 2022)
o ERTRAC Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility Roadmap (May 2022)
o A Mapping of Technology Options for Sustainable Energies and Powertrains for Road Transport (December 2022)
o 2Zero Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (December 2021)
o CCAM Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (March 2022)
o Factsheet collection on road transport research in established markets (December 2022)
o Road transport research knowledge indicator table (May 2023)
o Report on international collaboration in road transport research (May 2023)
o Catalogue of demonstration concept notes on mobility innovations (October 2022)
o Report on training and peer-to-peer capacity building (January 2023)
o Funding, financing and procurement guide (March 2023)
o ERTRAC dissemination strategy (December 2022)
o Glossy brochure on new implementation concepts for sustainable mobility (May 2023)
o ERTRAC webpage update
o Factsheet collection on road transport research in established markets (December 2022)
• The objective of the European Union for climate action and sustainable development
• The objectives set by the Paris Agreement and the New Urban Agenda
• The fulfilment of post 2020 emission targets in road transport
• The European Union's long term goal of Vision Zero
• UN's Sustainable Development Goals 11 and 13
• Strengthening the collabroation of the European Union with Asia, Latin America and Africa