CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU



Methodology and knowledge creation tools

The deliverable will report the common methodology to be adopted by all the thematic groups in the crossnational living hub The methods to share and create knowledge and strategic discussions on challenges needs roles responsibilities and solutions including consensus building and identifying discussions research topics and industry actions that have not yet reached consensus will be included The deliverable will also report all the tools needed to make the living hub operational for the collection of knowledge and its subsequent analysis in WP3 WP4 and WP5 organisation of workshops online meetings stakeholder interviews tools to engage citizens and organise citizens dialogues as well as advanced tools and methodologies such as AIPossible customizations related to different countries regions modes will be provided ifwhen necessary

Report with the scenario consolidation and analysis about the workforce transformation through automation across all transport modes

The deliverable will report a synthesis of the activities made in the living hub in the tasks 4.1 and 4.2 and the outcomes of the 4th workshop in Brussels. The outcome will report on the uncertainties identified through living hub stakeholders and activities and will shape the scenario of the workforce transformation through automation across all transport modes derived from a bottom-up approach.At least one short-term and one long-term future scenario for each selected transport sector/mode will be outlined.

Report on cooperation activitie with other projects

The deliverables will report the thematic cooperation and synergies with other projects and initiatives from Horizon 2020 and beyond, at national, European and international level. The report will also detail the how the different forms of cooperation will be set up.The document will be continuously updated along the project and will allow to monitor the effectiveness of the cooperation, reporting the number of collaborations and the intensity.

Report on the consolidated Stakeholder Forum, including thematic and strategic alignment

The deliverable will report: a) the definition and adaptation of the thematic areas as the project advances for the stakeholder concertation, knowledge analysis and agenda development; b) the monitoring of opportunities, inequalities and differences across countries and continents, identifying future adjustments potentially required in thematic areas and stakeholder twining opportunities to enable exchange of experiences and maximize alignment across Member States and beyond.The thematic areas will be adapted during the project development if/when necessary.

Analysis of workforce barriers, needs, skills and challenges

D32 reports the findings of Task 32 It includes the analysis of the barriers gaps opportunities benchmarks and success and failure factors of transport automation on the labour force as follows 1 prioritization of driving forces enabling and restrainingreducing the role of future transport workforce 2 presentation of new required competences fulfilling needs and setting aside barriers and 3 classification of the challenges that the workforce will face in the forthcoming transport automation era The risk of inability to recruit targeted groups of people is overcome by the successful collaborations among different channels eg AB members stakeholders in partner areas and other stakeholders already expressing interest will be used to convince stakeholders to participate that will guarantee that the analysis of the barriers gaps opportunities benchmarks and success and failure factors of transport automation on the labour force will be conducted appropriately

Report of the legal context related to the impacts of transport automation on the workforce

The deliverable will report the impacts of transport automation on the labour force, future working conditions and skills requirements from a legal perspective, given the vast and multifaceted complex needs at local, regional, national and international level both within and outside Europe. The aim is to provide an initial evidence based common operational and legal analysis focusing on automation, retaining a balance between technology and the human component. All main legal aspects related to the issue will be reported.By balancing the opportunities and threats for the labour force as well as those of new technologies across the different transport modes, this report will offer recommendations regarding Actions and Tools particularly aiming at setting common legal principles for diverse policy levels. IP and data management issues will be explicitly addressed in D4.2 given their high importance in setting the Future Agenda (WP5).

Report of actions and initiatives related to transport automation and other transitions

D31 reports the methodology techniques and findings of Task 31 It includes a comprehensive collection of related to transport automation actions and initiatives implemented internationally for all modes of transport both passenger and freight as well as other automationdriven transitions It also provides a list of best practices and lessons learned will be devised for all transport sectors Air Sea LandThe successful implementation of Innovative techniques such as AI and more specifically Intelligent data capture IDC techniques will offer abilities to quickly process massive quantities of informationdata that can provide informationdatadriven insights to address the objectives of Task 31 No risks of failure in Task 31 and thus development of D31

Project Final Report

The final report will include a final summary report (executive summary, a summary description of project context and objectives, a description of the main S&T results, the potential impacts and the main dissemination activities and exploitation of results/foregrounds), a plan for the use and dissemination of foreground, to spread awareness and a report covering the wider societal implications of the project, including gender equality actions, ethical issues, efforts to involve other actors.

Report of the Stakeholder Forum establishment

The deliverable will report the actions to be made to engage in the living hub the stakeholders to form the Stakeholder Forum both at EU and nonEU level Specific initiatives impacts and adjustment measures will be reported to allow to continue the engagement of stakeholders all along the project that will be in continuous evolution open to host new members and from more countriesMore than 30 stakeholders have already expressed interest in joining the Stakeholder Forum and WETRANSFORM possesses several channels initiatives with partners involvement AB members etc to ensure the recruitment of targeted stakeholders

Business model options and implementation roadmap

The deliverable will report a sustainability strategy, focusing on ensuring an easy access and maintenance of the knowledge repository, seeking stakeholder commitment and buy-in as well as developing a business model to keep it sustainable.The deliverable will ensure that the wide network of stakeholders of the living hub, the platform and methodology for exchanges and the knowledge creation process remain accessible and are maintained beyond the end of the project.

Report of the expected impacts of transport automation on the workforce

The deliverable will report the assessments both by employers and employees, of individual impacts of transport automation on the workforce after those have been debated in the living-hub as well as within the 3rd workshop in Riga. These impacts will be also mapped by geographic region.

Agenda to tackle the challenges of automation in the transport sector

The deliverable reports the action-oriented agenda aiming to effectively address the challenges, impacts and effects that digitisation and automation in transport may have on the labour force. The report will be based on the results of the deliverables D3.1, D3.2, D4.1, D4.2 thanks to the work done in the living hub and in the 5th workshop in Vienna (Task 2.1).The multiple and diverse input to the agenda will allow its comprehensiveness and robustness including all the inputs of the different stakeholders cooperatively working in the living hub and the agenda will finally be validated by the participants in the living hub and by the experts of the AB independently.

Collection of scientific publications

This deliverable will contain all the scientific publications that will be written during the project by all partners. These publications will be in relevant and high-impact journals and conferences to boost the scientific debate on the new methodologies developed and adopted in the project implementation.The target audience will be scientific community, industry stakeholders, trade unions, and the project partners. At least 6 conference papers and 5 journal articles submitted throughout the whole project.

Report on co-creation of knowledge

D3.3 reports the findings of Task 3.3. It includes the outcomes of the co-creation of new knowledge by the use of Collective Intelligence of the participants of the living hub: creation of stakeholder-tested knowledge on the effects of transport automation on the workforce; validation of and prioritization of actions and suggestion of viable solutions based on future on skills required; and creation of a map of potential actions to be taken, accounting for related challenges.Indicators of success are the anticipated trust among partners to co-create knowledge and the expected understanding of reciprocal needs as well possibilities related to the network’s perceived value, which will guarantee the collaboration and use of the Collective Intelligence of the participants of the living hub.

Knowledge base and website

The knowledge base will act as the project’s website and it is planned to be active after 7 months from the start of the project. This will allow WP2 to include an in-depth analysis of existing academic and industrial documents as well as national, European and international policies and strategies. Reports from former and ongoing European funded projects (e.g. FP7, H2020, Interreg, etc.) will also be included. The aim of the Knowledge Base is that it can be used a reference point for effect of automation on transport labour force. It will constitute an international portal for relevant WE-TRANSFORM content around the world as well as it will act also as an internal communication tool.The indicator of success will be measured in terms of visitors and it is expected that the website will have at least 300 unique visitors per month.

Data Management and Dissemination Plan and Communication

The deliverables will provide two main outputs:-the Data Management Plan, (DMP);-the Dissemination Plan and Communication.The Data Management Plan (DMP) is a formal document that details how data should be managed both during the research project and after its completion. The aim is to provide a description and analysis of the data, techniques and workflows that characterize them, of the standards and policies of access, reuse and conservation. The DMP will ensure re-usability by uploading data to the WE-TRANSFORM repository and to public data repositories (e.g. EOSC – European Open Science Cloud) to ensure availability of data after the end of the project. WE-TRANSFORM will also participate in the H2020 Pilot on Open Research Data. Particularly valuable datasets will be published in open access data journals. The DMP could be corrected or adapted in face of unexpected results and new research paths.The Dissemination Plan and Communication is a deliverable illustrating the planned dissemination and exploitation activities. The dissemination and exploitation strategy will differentiate between different types of stakeholders reported in the Plan and ensure that messages are tailored to those groups. The plan will be updated at M15 and M27.


Multi-stakeholder collaboration: the case of We Transform, an action platform offering a path forward for smarter decisions, more innovative and evidence-based policymaking.

Autoren: Filippo Traviglia
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE International Conference on Communications, Ausgabe Annual, 2023, Seite(n) 8
Herausgeber: IEEE

WE-TRANSFORM: a policy tool to shape the future workforce.

Autoren: Cristina Pronello
Veröffentlicht in: Transport ITS World Congress 2021, Ausgabe Annual, 2021, Seite(n) 16
Herausgeber: ERTICO

Assessing the impact of transport automation and digitalisation on the transport workforce

Autoren: Nikolas Thomopoulos
Veröffentlicht in: UTSG 55th ANNUAL CONFERENCE, Ausgabe Annual, 2023
Herausgeber: UTSG

Mitigating the Adverse Impact of Automation and Digitalisation on the Transportation Workforce: Key Actions to Consider

Autoren: Ioannis Karakikes, Helen Thanopoulou, Amalia Polydoropoulou, Cristina Pronello
Veröffentlicht in: 11th International Congress on Transportation Research (ICTR 2023), Ausgabe Annual, 2023, Seite(n) 24
Herausgeber: The Hellenic Institute of Transport (HIT/CERTH) and the Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers (HITE)

Creating a methodology matrix tool to research the effects of automation on the transport labour force: A European focus.

Autoren: Amalia Polydoropoulou, Helen Thanopoulou, Ioannis Karakikes, Athina Tsirimpa, Ioanna Pagoni, Ioannis Tsouros
Veröffentlicht in: Transport Research Arena, TRA Lisbon 2022, Ausgabe Biannual, 2022, Seite(n) 18
Herausgeber: European Commission

Automation and digitalisation on the transport workforce: How can the shock be prevented?

Autoren: Ioannis Karakikes, Helen Thanopoulou, Amalia Polydoropoulou, Cristina Pronello
Veröffentlicht in: World Conference on Transport Research, Ausgabe Triennial, 2023, Seite(n) 16
Herausgeber: WCTRS

Digitalization in Coach Terminal: Riga Case Study.

Autoren: Vaira Gromulea, Kārlis Vilciņšb, Irina Yatskiv (Jackiva), Juris Pēpulis
Veröffentlicht in: Transport Research Arena, TRA Lisbon 2022, Ausgabe Biannual, 2022, Seite(n) 17
Herausgeber: European Commission

We-Transform: Addressing AV Workforce Needs in Europe.

Autoren: Cristina Pronello
Veröffentlicht in: The 2023 TRB Annual Automated Road Transportation Symposium., Ausgabe Annual, 2023, Seite(n) 12
Herausgeber: TRB

Exploring the effects of transport automation and digitalization on the labor force: Insights from stakeholders across all transport sectors.

Autoren: Amalia Polydoropoulou, Helen Thanopoulou, Ioannis Karakikes, Cristina Pronello, Yannis Tyrinopoulos
Veröffentlicht in: TRB's 102nd Annual Meeting, Ausgabe Annual, 2023, Seite(n) 24
Herausgeber: TRB

Adapting to the future: examining the impact of transport automation and digitalization on the labor force through the perspectives of stakeholders in all transport sectors

Autoren: Amalia Polydoropoulou, Helen Thanopoulou, Ioannis Karakikes, Cristina Pronello, Yannis Tyrinopoulos
Veröffentlicht in: Frontiers in Future Transportation, Ausgabe Sec. Transportation Systems Modeling Volume 4 - 2023: 1173657, 2023, Seite(n) 20, ISSN 2673-5210
DOI: 10.3389/ffutr.2023.1173657

Digitalization in aircraft maintenance processes

Autoren: Iyad Alomar, Irina Yatskiv (Jackiva)
Veröffentlicht in: AVIATION, Ausgabe Volume 27, Ausgabe 2, 2023, Seite(n) 9, ISSN 1648-7788
Herausgeber: Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
DOI: 10.3846/aviation.2023.18923

User-focused Trip Planner with an Expanded Suite of Features: Riga Case Study.

Autoren: Irina Yatskiv (Jackiva) Alise Dinko, Evelina Budilovich (Budiloviča)
Veröffentlicht in: Transportation Research Procedia, Ausgabe Volume 72, 2023, Seite(n) 8, ISSN 2352-1465
Herausgeber: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.trpro.2023.11.530

Automation and digitalisation on the transport workforce: How can the shock be prevented?

Autoren: Ioannis Karakikes, Helen Thanopoulou, Amalia Polydoropoulou, Cristina Pronello
Veröffentlicht in: Transportation Research Procedia, Ausgabe in press, 2024, Seite(n) 16, ISSN 2352-1465
Herausgeber: Elsevier

Creating a methodology matrix tool to research the effects of automation on the transport labour force: A European focus.

Autoren: Amalia Polydoropoulou, Helen Thanopoulou, Ioannis Karakikes , Athina Tsirimpa, Ioanna Pagoni, Ioannis Tsouros
Veröffentlicht in: Transportation Research Procedia, Ausgabe Volume 72, 2023, Seite(n) 9, ISSN 2352-1465
Herausgeber: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.trpro.2023.11.540

Study of Technological Literacy Competencies of Logistics Specialists of a Transport Company

Autoren: Irina Yatskiv (Jackiva), Kristina Vaičiūtė
Veröffentlicht in: In: Prentkovskis, O., Yatskiv (Jackiva), I., Skačkauskas, P., Maruschak, P., Karpenko, M. (eds) TRANSBALTICA XIII: Transportation Science and Technology. TRANSBALTICA 2022. Lecture Notes in Intelligent Transportation and Infrastructure, Ausgabe TRANSBALTICA 2022, 2023, Seite(n) 11, ISBN 978-3-031-25863-3
Herausgeber: Springer
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-25863-3_61

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