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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Green cement of the future: CemShale + CemTower


Bahnbrechender Zement soll die Industrie revolutionieren

Die Zementindustrie erzeugt etwa 8 % der weltweiten CO2-Emissionen. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt CemShale CemTower bietet eine innovative Lösung – die zementartigen Zusatzmaterialien von CemGreen (SCM, engl. „Supplementary Cementitious Material“), die zur Senkung der CO2-Emissionen beitragen sollen. Die Lösung kombiniert zwei Innovationen: CemShale, ein Verfahren, das Schiefer brennt und leistungsstarke SCM auf Tonmineralienbasis liefert, sowie CemTower, ein revolutionäres Gerät für die optimale Wärmebehandlung von Schiefermaterialien. Die Lösung soll die Zementindustrie revolutionieren, indem Betriebskosten gesenkt und umweltfreundliche Verfahren eingeführt werden.


Cement is the most consumed resource after water. Currently more than 4 billion tons of cement is produced every year. Cement production currently contributes 8% of global CO2 emissions. Supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) are used to supplement cement to reduce carbon footprint of it. Today, the main SCM is fly ash, by-product of coal driven power plants. As these power plants are phased out, fly ash availability is becoming scarce. Cement industry players are already eagerly looking for alternatives.
CemGreen has developed CemShale, a process that calcines shale in granules instead of powder and delivers a high performing clay mineral based SCM. Shale is abundant and often lying unused in many cement plants. In addition, CemGreen developed a game-changing equipment for optimised heat treatment of shale granule material, vertically integrating three separate equipment in conventional cement production: the preheater, kiln and cooler, allowing for heat treatment within narrow limits and significantly reducing operational costs.
Cemshale offers high cement substitution rates, while CemTower Capex is a fraction of cement production Capex. Cemshale will provide cement producers SCM supply chain flexibility, significant cost savings and possibility to meet CO2 emissions lowering targets.
Full implementation of our solution has the potential to lower worldwide CO2 emissions by 4.81%. CemShale has global potential to become the state-of-the-art SCM and CemTower the state-of-the art product equipment thereof.
CemGreen has filed patent applications on CemShale and CemTower. The project will place CemShale in the forefront of new SCMs, having an extremely high global potential of €63 Bn and creating ~650+ new jobs already within 5 years of commercialisation.

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