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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Initiating paradigm shift towards sustainable cement production. Novel smart nano-additive reducing cement production carbon footprint, cost and energy demand.

Descrizione del progetto

Perfezionare la composizione del cemento per un’edilizia sostenibile

Il calcestruzzo è uno dei materiali più consumati sul pianeta. È economico ed efficiente per la costruzione di edifici e infrastrutture, il che lo rende quasi insostituibile nel settore delle costruzioni. Purtroppo il cemento (materiale utilizzato per legare il calcestruzzo) ha un’enorme impronta di carbonio, in quanto durante la sua produzione emette grandi quantità di CO2. Il progetto ngCon, finanziato dall’UE, si propone di affrontare questa sfida ricercando e introducendo diversi processi di produzione di cemento dirompenti e più rispettosi dell’ambiente. Utilizzando un nuovo nano-additivo intelligente che riduce l’impronta di carbonio della produzione di cemento, consentirà un cambiamento nel settore delle costruzioni verso un approccio più sostenibile, riducendo i costi e la domanda di energia.


Concrete is the most consumed manufactured substance on the planet. Concrete is affordable, strong, durable and resilient to fire, floods and pests. In fact, there is no other material currently available in the quantities necessary to meet the demand for buildings and infrastructure. Concrete is therefore today irreplaceable, and cement works as the glue that binds the concrete’s aggregates together.
However, cement also has a massive carbon footprint. The chemical process of making cement emits staggeringly high levels of CO2 being the source of 8% of the world's CO2 emissions. The biggest challenge and opportunity lie in tweaking the recipe for cement in order to establish a much more environmentally friendly manufacturing process.
Our ngCon additive innovation allows to formulate new classes of sustainable cements capable of tuning the bulk physical properties of concrete during preparation while improving its performance. First, ngCon additive offers a game-changing innovation in the cement production by reducing the calcination temperature from 1400°C to 800°C, hence cutting energy demand by 50%. ngCon also reduces the amount of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) required by 30%, which is the major responsible for the CO2 emissions after combustion. Second, ngCon additive drastically improves the compressive strength of concrete up to 50%. Whether it is for drying time, hardness or uniformity, the innovative ngCon additive developed by Nanogence can give to the construction material the desired consistency, all in one shot. As the cement industry is responsible for 8% of the world’s CO2 emissions, ngCon is addressing these two critical challenges, helping the sector to improve performance while meeting environmental legislations.
Thanks to a scalable business case and through collaborations with leading cement manufacturers, Nanogence is entering the global market with a first focus on Europe and Asia.

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Bando secondario


Meccanismo di finanziamento

SME-2 - SME instrument phase 2


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 2 499 000,00
CH-1015 Lausanne

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L’organizzazione si è definita una PMI (piccola e media impresa) al momento della firma dell’accordo di sovvenzione.

Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera Région lémanique Vaud
Tipo di attività
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Costo totale
€ 3 595 000,00