CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

One-Stop-Shop Open Access to Photonics Innovation Support for a Digital Europe


Neues Zentrum zur Förderung grenzüberschreitender Photonik-Innovationen in Europa

Die Photonik ist eine breit aufgestellte Technologie, die eine enorme Vielfalt an Anwendungen in den verschiedensten Bereichen ermöglicht. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt PhotonHub Europe wird ein einziges EU-weites Innovationszentrum für Photonik als eine zentrale Anlaufstelle einrichten, die bahnbrechende Photonik-Technologien, Einrichtungen, Fachwissen und die Erfahrung von 53 europäischen Partnern vereint. Das Zentrum wird sicherstellen, dass alle Beteiligten Zugang zu Unterstützungsdiensten haben: Schulungs- und Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten in den Demo- und Erfahrungszentren von PhotonHub; „Testen vor dem Investieren“, um mit Unternehmen mit hochgradig kollaborativen Innovationsprojekten in Kontakt zu treten; sowie Coaching zur Investitionsbereitschaft und Vermittlung von Investoren. PhotonHub Europe wird grenzüberschreitende Innovationsaktivitäten unterstützen und die PhotonHub Europe Association gründen.


PhotonHub Europe will establish a single pan-EU Photonics Innovation Hub which integrates the best-in-class photonics technologies, facilities, expertise and experience of 53 partners from all over Europe, including the coordinators of EU pilot lines and local photonics hubs representing 18 regions, as a one-stop-shop solution offering a comprehensive range of supports to industry for the accelerated uptake and deployment of photonics. PhotonHub will provide European companies, in particular “non-photonics” SMEs and mid-caps that are first users and early adopters of photonics, with open access and guided orienteering to the following key support services: training and upskilling opportunities within PhotonHub’s Demo and Experience Centres throughout Europe and enhanced by digital tools for online learning; “test before invest” innovation support capabilities to engage with companies on highly collaborative Innovation Projects aimed at TRL acceleration from prototyping (TRL3-4) to upscaling (TRL5-6) to manufacturing (TRL7-8), and complemented by targeted business and IP advisory supports; and support to find investment through investment-readiness coaching and investor match-making organised in collaboration with major regional and European venture fora and deep tech Investor Days. PhotonHub will uniquely support cross-border innovation activities of European companies, while simultaneously working closely with the local photonics hubs to develop and roll out best practices of the “lighthouse” regions for ongoing regional financial support of SME innovation activities and to support the creation of new innovation hubs covering most regions of Europe. Finally, PhotonHub will fine-tune and implement its business plan for long-term sustainability in the form of the PhotonHub Europe Association as a durable entity which is deeply rooted within the wider ecosystem of local, regional and EU-DIHs for maximum leverage and impact on European competitiveness and sovereignty.

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