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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

A Network Science Approach to Social Cohesion in European Societies

Descrizione del progetto

Una comprensione più profonda della coesione sociale

La coesione sociale rafforza le società e la loro prosperità, oltre a ridurre le esclusioni e le tensioni. In Europa, purtroppo, tale coesione viene messa a dura prova da un aumento della diversità, delle disuguaglianze e delle divisioni. Inoltre, la ricerca sui suoi elementi più importanti, ossia i rapporti umani superficiali e intimi, viene trascurata poiché considerata troppo complessa. Il progetto PATCHWORK, finanziato dall’UE, si propone di creare un approccio collaborativo-scientifico rivoluzionario per approfondire la coesione strutturale in modo empirico incrociando due filoni della ricerca di rete. Per la prima volta, un’indagine transnazionale su larga scala che comprende campioni da cinque paesi valuterà reti di conoscenti tra diverse linee di frattura nette (come la cittadinanza o la religione) per chiarire in che modo le reti possono rafforzare la coesione all’interno delle società.


As European societies are becoming increasingly unequal, diverse, and polarised, concerns about their cohesion are growing. In this light, it is surprising that social cohesion research has almost entirely ignored one of its core dimensions: relationships. Broad acquaintanceship networks, which connect each individual to hundreds of others through both intimate and superficial relationships, have long been assumed to bind societies together and provide a sense of community and solidarity. Nonetheless, they have hardly been studied empirically due to the technical complexity that the comprehensive study of society-wide networks involves. This project will develop a ground-breaking, network-scientific approach to social cohesion. After designing a theoretical framework for the structural cohesion of societies, it develops a new methodology to study structural cohesion empirically, hybridising two strands of network research in an unprecedented way. The methodology will be implemented in a large-scale, cross-national European survey administered to representative samples of the populations. The survey estimates are used to simulate society-wide networks, to explore resulting macro-level structures. These macro-level structures are then used to specify agent-based models to study in more depth how broad acquaintanceship networks influence subjective manifestations of cohesion. For the first time, we will know how cohesive broad acquaintanceship networks are across categorical fault lines of citizenship, social class, religion and political orientation for five societies, how real-life inter- and intragroup relationships cluster to form network constellations that expose individuals in unique ways to other social groups, and how these constellations shape subjective manifestations of cohesion such as tolerance, trust, and acceptance of diversity.

Meccanismo di finanziamento

ERC-ADG - Advanced Grant

Istituzione ospitante

Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 2 447 501,00
08193 Cerdanyola Del Valles

Mostra sulla mappa

Este Cataluña Barcelona
Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Costo totale
€ 2 447 501,00

Beneficiari (1)