CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Factorization Theory in Matrix Rings


Faktorisierungsstudien zur Erweiterung der Welt der Matrizenringe

Bei der Faktorisierung geht es um die Untersuchung der multiplikativen Struktur eines Rings. Die Theorie kam erstmals in den 1960er-Jahren auf, aufgrund bedeutender neuer Entwicklungen insbesondere in nicht kommutativen Zusammenhängen hat sie jedoch im letzten Jahrzehnt erneute Beachtung gefunden. Die Theorie untersucht die Eigenschaft, dass die Darstellung umkehrbarer Elemente in Ringen und Halbgruppen als Produkt erzeugender irreduzibler Elemente nicht eindeutig ist. Allerdings befassten sich entsprechende Studien bislang kaum mit Matrizenringen. Das im Rahmen der Marie-Skłodowska-Curie-Maßnahmen finanzierte Projekt FacT-in-MaRs zielt darauf ab, das Phänomen der mangelnden Eindeutigkeit von idempotenten Matrixfaktorisierungen unter die Lupe zu nehmen und dadurch zwei Bereiche der Ringtheorie auf originelle Weise zu kombinieren, die bislang nicht miteinander in Zusammenhang gebracht wurden.


The characterization of integral domains R such that every singular matrix over R is a product of idempotent matrices is a classical open problem in ring theory. Its importance lies in the inter-connections with other big unsolved issues: classify integral domains whose general linear groups are generated by the elementary matrices, and those fulfilling weak versions of the Euclidean algorithm. The study of idempotent factorizations in matrix rings has gained increasing attention over the years and all the results have highlighted how the decomposition into idempotent factors is far from being unique.

The Factorization Theory (FT) is the branch of ring theory that studies nonuniqueness of the representation of non-invertible elements in rings or semigroups as products of generating (irreducible) elements. Originated in the late 1960s, FT got in the last decade new striking developments (especially in the non-commutative framework) that, however, just barely involved matrix rings.

The goal of FacT-in-MaRs is to study the nonuniqueness phenomena of idempotent matrix factorization from the point of view of the FT, thus connecting in an original way two areas of ring theory remained unrelated so far.

In the framework of the present action, we aim at advancing the state-of-the-art by:

1) defining a new concept of factorization into idempotent (non-irreducible) factors in the non-commutative semigroup of singular matrices over a domain R;

2) studying the nonuniqueness of this factorization in terms of arithmetical invariants (i.e. sets of legths/distances, elasticity);

3) exploiting the previous results to provide new approaches to the classical problems on factorizations in matrix rings.

The above objectives will be achieved through an innovative combination of classical and recent techniques of the theory of factorization of matrices over integral domains and of the FT, respectively belonging to the background of the applicant and of the Supervisor.


€ 174 167,04
8010 Graz

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Südösterreich Steiermark Graz
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 174 167,04