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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Exosome inspired RNA communication between HiErarchicaL poLymer prOtocells


Künstliche Exosomen liefern wichtige Erkenntnisse zur RNA-Kommunikation

Die Herstellung lebender Systeme, die zentrale biologische Prozesse nachbilden, stellt eine große Herausforderung dar. Gleichzeitig sind synthetische Systeme ein leistungsfähiges Instrument für die Untersuchung zellulärer Kommunikationspfade und Prozesse. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt RNAhello scheint nun eine Methode für die Erforschung RNA-basierter Kommunikation in künstlichen Protozellen gefunden zu haben. Der vorgeschlagene Ansatz beruht auf Exosomen – von Zellen abgegebene Vesikel, die verschiedene Makromoleküle enthalten und die interzelluläre Kommunikation vereinfachen. RNAhello wird diese Vesikel aus Polymeren herstellen und sie als mRNA-Zubringer zwischen unterschiedlichen Protozell-Populationen nutzen. Die Ergebnisse werden Grundlagenwissen über den Nukleinsäuretransfer und ein leistungsstarkes Instrument für die Arzneimittelforschung liefern.


The mimicking of cellular communication pathways and genetic information transfer in synthetic systems is an important target for researchers. These artificial cell systems have the potential to increase understanding of biological and cellular processes, while also having potential applications in healthcare technologies. This project will involve the investigation of exciting new stimuli responsive and highly tuneable hierarchical polymer protocells, and their application in RNA-based communication. Previous generations of polymer protocells have been shown to allow diffusion based communication with small molecules and naked DNA strands – the project will expand upon this by investigating polymersomes as mRNA shuttles between distinct protocell populations. This exosome inspired system will allow the typically unstable mRNA molecules to be protected from degradation in the external medium, thus opening the door to much more lifelike systems, and possible therapeutic applications.

The proposed research project is strongly multidisciplinary, and involves a combination of polymer chemistry, nanomaterials engineering, cell biology, and imaging techniques. RNAhello includes both the transfer of knowledge to the host institution and the training of the candidate in new advanced techniques. Results have the potential to increase understanding of biological mechanisms in relation to the complex hurdle of the nucleic acid based transfer, whilst also providing innovative platform material for treatment of disease. Additional project goals include: engaging with the non-scientific public through outreach methods; gaining of further commercial training for potential exploitation of research; presentation of research results at international conferences; and the preparation of additional funding proposals.


€ 175 572,48
5612 AE Eindhoven

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Zuid-Nederland Noord-Brabant Zuidoost-Noord-Brabant
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 175 572,48