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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Investigating new policies for financial stability that do not create inequality

Descrizione del progetto

Calibrare le politiche macroprudenziali per ridurre la disuguaglianza sociale

Finalizzate a evitare l’instabilità del sistema finanziario, le politiche macroprudenziali rafforzano la resilienza del sistema stesso. Il progetto MACROPRU, finanziato dall’UE, analizzerà il rapporto tra queste politiche e la disuguaglianza sociale. Il progetto applicherà tecniche all’avanguardia di simulazione basate su agenti per scoprire gli effetti redistributivi delle politiche macroprudenziali. Da una prospettiva di assistenza sociale, l’obiettivo di MACROPRU sarà individuare l’ottimalità degli strumenti macroprudenziali. I risultati faranno luce sulle conclusioni ricavate dalle prove di stress a livello di sistema per finalità macroprudenziali da parte della Banca centrale europea (BCE). Inoltre, tali risultati forniranno consulenza ai responsabili delle politiche e alle banche centrali circa le modalità con cui regolare le politiche macroprudenziali per ridurre al minimo gli effetti sociali avversi e per contenere la disuguaglianza.


"The primary aim of the action is to investigate how new macroprudential policies can influence financial stability without contributing to inequality in society. In this project we aim to apply cutting-edge, agent-based simulation techniques to uncover the redistributive effects of macroprudential policies and to examine the combination optimality of the macroprudential tools from the social welfare perspective. The results of this project will complement the conclusions extracted from the ECB system-wide stress-testing exercises by providing data on the rise of inequality in EU countries due to the adoption of new financial regulations. It will also supplement the macroeconomic impact assessment for the Basel III reforms (cost-benefit ""Growth-at-Risk"" approach).

This project expands our knowledge about a new, innovative tool, namely agent-based modeling, that can be used in financial oversight. It provides us with the practical knowledge of how to take into account the heterogeneity of the agents in the models and how to apply new Bayesian estimation techniques. The results of the project may guide policymakers and central bankers on how to reshape financial regulations and to calibrate macroprudential policies in order to minimize adverse social effects and to reduce inequality (by supporting a social policy). The project is consistent with the European Commission’s support on research programmes on the public sector and social innovation that is described in the Europe 2020 Flagship Initiative Innovation Union.

The researcher will be fully integrated into Prof. J. Doyne Farmer’s team at the INET Oxford and at the Mathematical Institute of the University of Oxford. The Curie IF will give the applicant the opportunity to perform relevant and state-of-the-art research in the best institute of complexity economics in the world, to re-enforce her position as an independent research group leader and to initiate new long-term collaborations."


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 224 933,76
OX1 2JD Oxford
Regno Unito

Mostra sulla mappa

South East (England) Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Oxfordshire
Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Costo totale
€ 224 933,76