CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Beyond Boycott: Musical Internationalism and the Making of Race in Apartheid South Africa


Forschung zu Künstlerinnen und Künstlern, die gegen Rassentrennung protestierten

Um für ein Thema zu kämpfen, inszenieren Kunst- und Musikschaffende oft kulturelle Boykotts – von der palästinensischen Bewegung „Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions“ („Boykott, Desinvestitionen und Sanktionen“, abgekürzt BDS) über #BlackLivesMatter bis zu Desinvestitionskampagnen gegen fossile Brennstoffe. Angesichts der konfrontativen Art dieser Bewegungen kommt die Frage auf, inwiefern kultureller Austausch und politischer Aktivismus miteinander interagieren. Im EU-finanzierten Projekt Beyond Boycott wird diese Frage aus historischer Perspektive erforscht. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei das weltweite kulturelle Boykott der Apartheid in Südafrika von 1954 bis 1991. Vor allem die bisher unerzählten Geschichten westlicher Musikerinnen und Musiker, die trotz drohender Sanktionen in dem Land auftraten, sollen betrachtet werden. Das Projekt wird das Ausmaß von Boykottbrüchen erfassen und ihren Beitrag zu einem rassischen Klassifikationssystem untersuchen.


"This project proposes to investigate the relationship between Western art music, cultural boycott, and the making of race in apartheid South Africa. In recent years people around the world have been encouraged to participate in political activism by the Palestinian Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, #BlackLivesMatter, #MeToo, #RhodesMustFall, and numerous fossil fuel divestment campaigns. Artists and musicians, too, have contributed to these movements both as activists and through their work. But in a world where the arts are often celebrated for their capacity to promote peaceful dialogue, the confrontational nature of protest movements has prompted artists, scholars, and activists to ask, ‘How do cultural exchange and political activism intersect?’ ‘Beyond Boycott’ addresses this question from a historical perspective by turning to one of the most important precursors of current boycott movements: the global cultural boycott of apartheid South Africa (c.1954-1991). The proposed project develops a social and cultural history of the South African boycott, focusing especially on the hidden histories of Western art music performers—commonly described as ‘classical’ musicians—who defied sanctions to perform in the country. Through archival research, the project maps the extent of classical musicians’ breaking of the boycott, before asking how these performers interacted with the anti-apartheid movement, and how their appearances in South Africa contributed to a racial classification system that viewed culture as a marker of race. The main research objectives are to trace the extent of musical activity by international performers in defiance of the boycott, and to investigate the apartheid government's use of these performances to develop racial classifications and to advance political objectives. ‘Beyond Boycott’ fosters a new area of interdisciplinary research on the relationship between art music, race, and transnational politics."


€ 215 163,84
WC1E 6BT London
Vereinigtes Königreich

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London Inner London — West Camden and City of London
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 215 163,84

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