Descripción del proyecto
Estudio sobre formas de reducir la brecha laboral en el ámbito de la discapacidad
Aproximadamente una de cada seis personas de la Unión Europea de quince años o más vive con algún tipo de discapacidad. A pesar de las mejoras generales en la situación laboral, las personas con discapacidad siguen teniendo dificultades para encontrar empleo. Aunque la colaboración entre los empleadores y el sistema de apoyo es fundamental cuando se usa el lugar de trabajo como un escenario para la inclusión laboral, no se han estudiado las relaciones entre el empleador y el sistema de apoyo. El proyecto WORK.INC financiado con fondos europeos, responderá a esta brecha del conocimiento usando marcos teóricos tomados de los campos de la sociología y la psicología. Empleará ejemplos de colaboraciones satisfactorias, y los resultados de estudios observacionales/entrevistas llevados a cabo en Noruega y Suecia, junto con información procedente de una revisión de bibliográfica, fundamentarán enfoques del lado del apoyo y facilitarán la inclusión laboral.
The employment rate of persons with disabilities across Europe is much lower than of the general population and the
disability employment gap has remained considerable, independently of labour market policies. Over time different
approaches to work inclusion of persons with disabilities have been developed, where support-side approaches, especially
supported employment methods, that are using the workplaces as instruments of inclusion, have been shown effective. The
collaboration between employer and the support system is crucial when using the workplace as an arena for work inclusion,
but there is a lack of research on employer-support system relations and how they can be formed to facilitate increased employment of persons with disabilities.
Using theoretical frameworks from the field of sociology and psychology, and by drawing conclusions from qualitative data, this project addresses successful collaboration between employers and support systems in work inclusion of men and women with disabilities. Results from observation/interview studies in Norway and Sweden and insights from a literature review will inform support-side approaches and facilitate work inclusion. During the fellowship will benefit from the expertise of the INTEGRATE core research group, at OsloMet - Oslo Metropolitan University and its international expert network and from short visits to other European excellence research centers in work inclusion. Building on my previous work and skills in labour market and disability research, the project activities will lead to further development of my professional maturity as a researcher, while the results will have a key impact on the development of effective support-side methods and as called for in EU policies, on the labour market participation of persons with disabilities.
Ámbito científico
Palabras clave
Régimen de financiación
MSCA-IF - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (IF)Coordinador
0167 Oslo