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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

gender CLImate Migration: innOvatiVe European Union socio-legal avenues


Mehr Schutz für Frauen und Mädchen im Zusammenhang mit klimawandelbedingter Migration

Um Migrationsströme wirkungsvoll zu steuern, sollten die sozio-legislativen Rahmenregelungen der EU nicht länger die Gründe und die menschliche Seite dieses Phänomens ignorieren, denn dies kann die für die Gesellschaften schädlichen Auswirkungen der Migration noch verstärken. Speziell die Schutzbedürftigkeit von Frauen und Mädchen sowie die Zunahme der durch den Klimawandel verursachten Migration sind in der EU nach wie vor ein wichtiges Thema. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt CLIMOVE verfolgt einen multidisziplinären Ansatz, um die notwendigen Gesetzesänderungen anzustoßen. Es wird eine vergleichende Untersuchung des Rechtsrahmens der EU-Mitgliedstaaten unter Berücksichtigung von Migration, Klimawandel und Geschlechterfragen durchführen, um innovative regulatorische Verbesserungen zu erarbeiten. Ziel sind angemessenere Verpflichtungen der EU in Bezug auf Klimamigration aus der Geschlechterperspektive.


The overall aim of this fellowship is to provide a comprehensive and innovative socio-legal analysis of climate change-induced migration in the EU from a gender perspective. The migration policies and laws existing within the EU and its member States ignore the climate change and gender as causes of migration flows, although the EU is among the world's top three CO2 emitters after China and the United States, responsible of climate change induced migration. Ignoring such dimensions, gender and climate, impede first to protect those who are the most vulnerable, in particular women and girls as migrants; second, to prevent social conflicts, discrimination and human rights violations within the EU; and third to consider the beneficial labor and economic effect of female migration for host societies. Responding to this legal and policy gap, this multi-disciplinary project aims to accomplish the following two objectives: 1) to develop a comparative analysis on the comprehensive legal framework of the EU member states on migration, climate change and gender, including the identification of good practices and regulatory improvements and 2) to exploring all the possible regulatory improvements at EU level and at the domestic level to cope with the insufficient commitment and protection of EU towards climate migration from a gender perspective.
To accomplish these objective, the applicant will obtained advanced training in methodological and doctrinal training in migration and climate studies, using an innovative feminist methodology, contributing to acquire new skills to problematize the deficiencies and to propose new EU legal avenues.
The project’s scientific importance, operationalised through its 5 work packages and associated scholarly impact and dissemination activities, lies in its original contribution as the first multi-disciplinary study to propose these new socio-legal avenues at EU level, necessary to properly recognize and protect climate gendered migration.


€ 85 736,64
62100 Macerata

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Centro (IT) Marche Macerata
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 85 736,64