CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Experiences of Social and Solidarity Economy: Networks of Incubators as TerritoriAL development Strategies


Der Einfluss von Modellen der sozialen solidarischen Ökonomie

Als ethischer Ansatz für die Entwicklung eines Landes stellt die soziale solidarische Ökonomie das Wohl der Menschen und der Umwelt über alles andere. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt ESSENTIALS wird die Prozesse untersuchen, die zur Förderung der sozialen solidarischen Ökonomie beitragen. Insbesondere wird es seinen Blick darauf richten, wie sich soziale Inkubatoren einsetzen lassen, um die sozioökonomische Entwicklung anzuregen. Das Projekt wird Inkubatoren in Lateinamerika und in der EU kartieren und vergleichen, um eine mögliche Beziehung zwischen Geschlecht und organisatorischen Merkmalen aufzuzeigen. In einer vergleichenden Studie sollen die Faktoren, die zur Schaffung von Inkubatoren beitragen, sowie ihre Auswirkungen identifiziert werden. Die Ergebnisse werden über die effektivsten Modelle von sozialen Inkubatoren Aufschluss geben.


The main objective of the project is to provide insights into the study and interpretation of processes that contribute to the promotion of networks of Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE). The research also aims at identifying models that can lead to social inclusion and local development. Moreover, the project ESSENTIALS will focus on a specific experience: Social Incubators, in an attempt to encourage socio-economic development of a specific area or of a whole country, regarding processes of social innovation and transfer of knowledge. In particular, the specific objectives, of the project are:
OB. 1. Map the incubators and compare the characteristics in Latin America and EU, understanding if there is a relationship between gender and organisational characteristics of an incubator.
OB. 2. Identify the factors that contribute to the creation of incubators and the impacts of incubators, including the elements that ensure gender equality, through a comparative study.
OB. 3. Analyse the European context considering the strengths and weaknesses identified and thus develop a pilot study at University of Calabria, including the gender perspective.
The research carried out in Latin America will be compared (quantitatively and qualitatively) with European incubation activities. The relevance of this research is linked to understanding how to favour models capable of building a more Social and solidarity Europe, and closer to citizens. Thus, this project represents an important innovation for two reasons: (i) the study contributes to the debate on the role of social incubators and the most effective model to adopt, and brings new knowledge in Europe on the topic of social incubators oriented to the territory, a topic not widely investigated in Europe; (ii) it suggests a pratical solution for the implementation of social incubators in Europe, through the pilot study of creating a social incubator, that will provide feedback for new theoretical and cognitive elements.


€ 229 767,36
87036 Arcavacata Di Rende

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Sud Calabria Cosenza
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 229 767,36

Partner (1)