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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Good practices in SME innovation support


Aufbau von Möglichkeiten für KMU

KMU und Start-ups sind von großer Bedeutung für die Wirtschaft Europas und eine essenzielle Quelle der Kreativität, Innovation und Schaffung von Arbeitsplätzen. Deshalb ist es so wichtig, ein förderliches Umfeld aufzubauen. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt GO – SME wird sich dem Bedarf an finanzieller Unterstützung für KMU und Start-ups bei der Entwicklung ihrer innovativen Ideen widmen. Insbesondere wird das Projekt bewährte Verfahren hinsichtlich Unterstützungsmodellen für innovative KMU und Start-ups teilen und nationale sowie regionale Programme zur Unterstützung innovativer KMU erarbeiten. Es könnte auch als Pilotprojekt für einen Plugin-Mechanismus und eine Partnerschaft dienen, die von innovativen Ökosystemen im Programm Horizont Europa mitfinanziert werden.


Throughout the EU, the fragmentation of innovation ecosystems and the lack of interconnection between public national and regional agencies appear to be one of the main obstacles to securing support for the most promising SMEs. The GO-SME project responds to the need to provide financial support to SMEs and start-ups for the development of their innovative ideas. The aim of GO-SME is to share the best practices of participating research funding organisations (RFOs) and their mutual learning in designing programmes which would support SMEs and start-ups in an initial assessment of their innovative ideas so that they can progress to more advanced stages of innovation development.
To achieve this aim, a combination of the following activities will be used:
1/learning from best practices already applied in support schemes for innovative SMEs and startups,
2/motivation of agencies from widening countries to design innovation support schemes for SMEs and start-ups,
3/cooperation in the setting up of comparable support schemes and sets of selection criteria,
4/sharing of best practices in the work with (international) experts and sharing of their pools
5/learning from best practices in providing coaching and mentoring services to innovative SMEs and start-ups
6/mutual opening up pools of coaches and mentors
7/offering of special services to running projects which will be selected as the most promising by an independent international panel.
The added value of the project rests in its ambition to design national and regional programmes supporting innovative SMEs which could act as a pipeline for the EIC Accelerator and be part of the “plug-in” mechanism. At the same time, it can serve as a pilot project for a possible partnership co-funded from innovation ecosystems in the Horizon Europe programme.


€ 96 756,25
EVROPSKA 1692/37
160 00 Praha

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Česko Praha Hlavní město Praha
Public bodies (excluding Research Organisations and Secondary or Higher Education Establishments)
€ 96 756,25

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