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Quantum cascade laser LIDar Advanced Device

Descrizione del progetto

Telerilevamento avanzato per uno sguardo migliore sull’aria che respiriamo

I dispositivi di telerilevamento utilizzano sempre più spesso i laser. L’analisi della riflessione della luce di diverse lunghezze d’onda quando rimbalza sugli oggetti può fornire informazioni sugli ostacoli presenti sul percorso della luce. La rivelazione e misura della distanza a mezzo della luce o LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) è uno dei metodi di telerilevamento più comuni, che utilizza la luce sotto forma di laser pulsato o modulato per il rilevamento. Con il sostegno dell’UE, il progetto QuaLIDAD sta sfruttando i laser a cascata quantistica di alta tecnologia per ottenere un sistema LIDAR migliorato e compatto che lavora nel medio infrarosso. La nuova tecnologia permetterà di analizzare le sostanze chimiche e le particelle nell’aria, supportando una migliore gestione dell’inquinamento e dei gas serra.


Public awareness of atmospheric pollution by hazardous and greenhouse gases is increasing on a global scale. As a result, demand for compact and cost-effective trace gas detection devices is also increasing. Light-based technologies are seeing many new applications owing to the rapid advancements in new sources and detectors. This proposal is aimed at developing a new technique for light detection and ranging (LIDAR) operating with mid-IR lasers. LIDAR is a method for detecting objects with many emerging applications in environmental control, military, robotics, autonomous systems.
The use of mid-IR sources allows combining high atmospheric transparency windows with the possibility to test atmospheric pollutants in their strongest absorption bands. In this region, quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) are of special importance, as they offer up to several watts of pulsed or cw optical power and fast internal dynamics allowing for high-frequency modulation, while retaining a good far field pattern as required for laser remote sensing techniques in atmospheric research.
QuaLIDAD starts from the studies on QCLs performed within the Qombs Project and is aimed at the development of a compact LIDAR system for air multi-component chemical analysis, particulate (PM10) detection and range finding. QuaLIDAD wants to exploit two alternative approaches, namely either the detection of backscattered light from air particulate, or the detection of reflected/scattered light by a retroreflector/obstacle. The prototype will work in the 4-5 μm window, where water absorption is low and several important greenhouse/toxic gases (CO2, CO, N2O, ...) can be detected. The LIDAR will be operated with the Pseudo Random Noise (PRN) technique, using fast modulation of a continuous-wave source with a specific digital pattern. This technique is better suited for QCLs and allows identifying the target distance. The in-field tests results in relevant environments will be made available to stakeholders.

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Meccanismo di finanziamento

CSA - Coordination and support action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 57 000,00
00185 Roma

Mostra sulla mappa

Centro (IT) Lazio Roma
Tipo di attività
Research Organisations
Costo totale
Nessun dato

Partecipanti (1)