CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Accelerating and upscaling transformational adaptation in Europe: demonstration of water-related innovation packages


Transformatorische Anpassung verringert klimabedingte Gefahren

Um die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die Menschen, die Wirtschaft und den Planeten Erde zu verringern, muss eine transformatorische Anpassung erfolgen. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt TransformAr wird Produkte und Dienstleistungen entwickeln, um europaweit in gefährdeten Regionen und Gemeinden flächendeckende und bahnbrechende transformatorische Anpassungsprozesse einzuführen. Das Projekt wird sich auf der Grundlage bereits existierender erfolgreicher Initiativen mit wasserbedingten Risiken und Auswirkungen des Klimawandels beschäftigen. Dazu wird TransformAr in sechs Regionen und Gemeinden anhand von Leuchtturm-Demonstratoren Lösungen erproben. Transformationsoptionen sind in Bezug auf die klimatische und soziale Resilienz wesentlich, um schnelle und weitreichende transformatorische Anpassungen zu vollziehen. Die Ergebnisse des Projekts, das 22 Partner aus elf Ländern vereint, werden in die EU-Strategie für die Anpassung an den Klimawandel einfließen.


Climate change impacts are here and now. The impacts on people, prosperity and planet are already pervasive but unevenly distributed, as stated in the new EU Blueprint strategy (European Commission-EC, 2019). To reduce climate-related risks, the EC and the IPCC agree that transformational adaptation is essential. The TranformAr project aims to develop and demonstrate products and services to launch and accelerate large-scale and disruptive adaptive process for transformational adaptation in vulnerable regions and communities across Europe.

The 6 TransformAr lighthouse demonstrators face a common challenge: water-related risks and impacts of climate change. Based on existing successful initiatives, the project will develop, test and demonstrate solutions and pathways, integrated in Innovation Packages, in 6 territories.
Transformational pathways, including an integrated risk assessment approach are co-developed by means of 9 Transformational Adaptive Blocks. A set of 22 tested actionable adaptive solutions are tested and demonstrated, ranging from nature-based solutions, innovative technologies, financing, insurance and governance models, awareness and behavioral change solutions.

The project team, led by the University of Antwerp, gathers 22 partners from 11 countries and a well-balanced mix of sectoral and adaptation experts (5 RTOs and 1 SME), paired with 6 territories (4 local authorities and 2 charities), 8 additional solutions providers and 1 EU water-related NPO specialized that will support to structure a European Community of practice.

Massive resilience increase and acceleration of transformation adaptation will be fostered by clustering various investors, testing bankable solutions, and defining viable (non-)commercial exploitation strategy for the TransformAr solutions, products and services.

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IA - Innovation action


€ 1 298 750,00
2000 Antwerpen

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Vlaams Gewest Prov. Antwerpen Arr. Antwerpen
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 1 298 750,00

Beteiligte (23)