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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Climate Neutral Farms


D1.3: First annual knowledge exchange duly organised

D13 First annual knowledge exchange duly organised M12 ACTA Organisation of diversified and complementary events for knowledge exchange across the I3S and the thematic networks

D1.2: Multi-actor sessions duly organised

D12 Multiactor sessions duly organised M12 ACTA Following the methodology established in task 21 training sessions for multiactor organised

D1.1: I3S Network architecture

I3S Network architecture M3 ACTA A precise interactive map of the I3S thematic networks with presentation of the 19 I3S and the I3S Coordinators as communicational tool and starting point of project activities

D6.3: First batch of 20 EIP-AGRI Practice Abstracts

D63 First batch of 20 EIPAGRI Practice Abstracts M24 CONSULAI Production of 20 practice abstracts one per I3S to be published in the EIPAGRI and NRNs platforms summarising the projects outcomes

D2.1: Conceptual and methodological framework for creative arena (living lab).

D21 Conceptual and methodological framework for creative arena living lab M6 TEAGASC Description on the framework of living lab on how to transfer different levels of existing solutions ie actors supply chains sciencebased approaches farms to operational solutions for farmers

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