Building on the business model innovation theory and practice including the Business model innovation tool developed under the H2020 project E-LAND, this regular report (M12, updated M24,M36, M48) will summarize the activities and development of Task 3.3 in demonstration and validation sites with the key focus on the demonstration phase (the rural and urban hub in Kenya) with 6 business models, and briefly identify any linkages with select validation and replication sites. The report will be enriched by the outcomes of the co-creation workshops that sees the participation of teams of research and industry partners seeking also the contribution of other relevant actors such as industry, users, local partners and finance partners.
Cooperation strategy with sister projectsThe strategy will ensure the cooperation with projects funded under under the LC-GD-2-3-2020 call and the projects funded under the LC-SC3-JA-5-2020 call (“Long Term EU-Africa Partnership for Research and Innovation actions in the area of renewable energy”) as for example the LEAP-RE project to enhance the respective impact and visibility as well as to raise the value for participants to the projects at local level.Moreover, the project will take any available opportunity to build synergies with ongoing H2020 projects as well as with projects funded under the European Green Deal Call by sharing activities and contribute to the networking experience.
Catalogue of energy solutionsThe catalogue of energy solutions results from the work of collection and categorization carried out in Task 31 and it will inform the implementation of the living labs as well as showcase the range of potential solutions to outside audiences The catalogue will be a userfriendly and visually engaging webbased product downloadable for offline use organised as a searchable database within the SESA toolbox It will be composed of a series of factsheets summarising a set of key sustainable energy solutions that are relevant to the context of the living labs The factsheets will address different dimensions of each solution including technological considerations appropriate business models potential socioeconomic impacts The catalogue will be cocreated with inputs from stakeholders in particular technology providers and implementing partners both within and outside the consortium
Report on the definition of technical and functional requirements for energy innovationsThe report comprises the activities undertaken in Task 32 to identify the functional requirements in terms of needs technical constraints targeted local users and communities environmental impact cost limits functionalities applicable standards expected performance operation and maintenance etc to be applied to the energy innovations deployed in the different demonstrations sites and related to the different energy domains considered namely Solar photovoltaics smart microgrids electric mobility second life EV batteries biomass to biogas waste to energy and climate proofingIn the document it will be shown the process that leads each Living Lab partner together with the project partners to a relatively precise and well described needs and requirements specification specially focused on the potential energyrelated infrastructure and equipment and systema providers and developers which is key to identifying the most technically appropriate and economically viable offers In the report it will also be included a review of the basis for system specifications as well as different standardisation bases applied in different countries and continents their applicability and differences
Five (5) demonstration implementation plansFor all partner cities or counties demonstration implementation plans at least 5 will be developed Task 41 By bringing together the knowledge gained in WP1 WP3 and linking to the activities planned in WP2 the plans will outline concrete steps for the demonstration phase helping to set the base for a successful implementation The plans will include 1 modular living lab demonstration plan in Kenya and 4 validation demonstration plans in Morocco Ghana Malawi and South Africa
Five (5) demonstration project updatesUpdated reports at least 5 on the overview inception progress final implementation and evaluation of the demonstration and validation projects in line with D41 and Tasks 42 43 and 44 will be prepared These reports will form the basis for the selection of activities for replication projects in selected cities or counties
Barriers analysisFor technologies in the countries where demonstration and validation sites are located key stakeholders will be identified for each technology including policy makers technology providers financiers users experts and others in the technology value chain The stakeholders consultations surveys will be carried out to identify barriers to the above technologies and analysed The barrier analysis document will summarize the main barriers at the policy level that hinder the uptake of each of the demonstration technologies identified A minimum of 9 analyses will be developed as input to Policy Roadmaps for both national and local level
The SESA capacity building planThe aim of the plan is to provide an overview of the capacity building programme It will be a single document resulting from the capacity and skills needs assessment on energy use in partner cities with all relevant stakeholders presenting a sound and tailored learning plan The capacity plan will outline the learning topicsthemes the sequence location and timing of training capacity and skills building activities the implementation of which will result capacity building citytocity cooperation and professional development
Capacity building tools and updatesBased on the Task 21 assessment and inputs from the WP1 Toolbox SESA will tailor to local needs and audience a modular package of capacity building tools and methodologies UNH This package will be regularly updated until the end of the project such that its value is maintained beyond the projects lifetime and it will be made easily accessible on the SESA website and also featured at local InfoSpots BIF
The scalable and harmonised toolbox will be the key living repository of the project collecting the main outcomes and results produced by the SESA project across the different WPs. The toolbox launch is intended to build a structure of regular iterative updates from various WPs through the course of the project.
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