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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

ATTOsecond Photochemistry: controlling chemical reactions with electrons


Attosekundenforschung öffnet neues Fenster zur Steuerung photochemischer Reaktionen

Durch Licht ausgelöste chemische Prozesse finden sich überall. Ihre Anwendungen erstrecken sich auf wichtige Bereiche der Molekularforschung, angefangen bei der Medizin über die Informatik bis zur Energieumwandlung. Photochemische Reaktionen sind jedoch durch die Beschaffenheit und die begrenzte Anzahl angeregter elektronischer Zustände der Moleküle begrenzt, sodass es ihnen oft an Steuerbarkeit und Selektivität mangelt. Um diese grundlegende Einschränkung zu überwinden, wird das EU-finanzierte Projekt ATTOP die neuesten technischen Fortschritte in der Attosekundenforschung auf die Photochemie übertragen und das sich neu formierende Gebiet der „Atto-Photochemie“ unter Einsatz von Modellierungsansätzen untersuchen. Letztlich ist das Ziel die Entwicklung von allgemeinem Know-how in der Gestaltung von molekularen Systemen, elektronischen Wellenpaketen und Attosekunden-Experimenten, die das Ergebnis photochemischer Reaktionen bei zahlreichen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten verändern werden.


"ATTOP is a theoretical chemistry project that will explore the synergy between the two fields of attoscience and photochemistry. Chemical processes initiated by light are extremely widespread and their applications cover vital molecular research fields from medicine to computer science and energy conversion. However, photochemical reactions are limited by the nature and finite number of molecular electronic excited states. To overcome this fundamental limitation, ATTOP proposes to bring very recent technological progress in extreme ultrashort light pulses - attosecond science - to the field of photochemistry and to launch the unprecedented field of ""atto-photochemistry"". Indeed, light pulses of such short duration have a large spectral bandwidth and excite multiple electronic excited states in a simultaneous and coherent manner. This superposition, called an ""electronic wavepacket"", has a new electronic distribution and is thus expected to lead to a new reactivity. The following questions remain for now unresolved: what would be the reactivity of a molecule in these new types of electronic states that are becoming accessible experimentally? To what extent will the manipulation of an electronic wavepacket produced by an attosecond domain pulse transform the outcome of chemical reactions? As an emerging field, atto-photochemistry requires theoretical support right from the start. Thanks to the PI's unique combination of expertise in both theoretical attoscience and photochemistry, the ATTOP team will describe accurately chemical reactions induced by electronic wavepackets via attosecond domain pulses. The final aim of ATTOP is to develop a general know-how to design molecular systems, electronic wavepackets and attosecond experiments that transform the outcome of photochemical reactions for diverse applications. By doing so, atto-photochemistry will revolutionize photochemistry, with direct impact onto many other domains of molecular science."


Gastgebende Einrichtung

€ 1 496 142,50
75794 Paris

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Ile-de-France Ile-de-France Paris
Research Organisations
€ 1 496 142,50

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