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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Building Conceptual and Methodological Expertise for the Study of Gender, Agency and Authority in Islam


Untersuchung zum Zugang muslimischer Frauen zum Rechtssystem in Europa

Das EU-finanzierte Projekt BILQIS wird sozialjuristische, geschlechtsspezifische, feministische und islamische Studien miteinander verbinden, um die Rechte muslimischer Frauen in Europa zu untersuchen. BILQIS wird Fragen des Geschlechts in Bezug auf islamische Familiengesetze untersuchen. Zu diesem Zweck werden die Forschenden eine vergleichende Studie zur Frage durchführen, wie muslimische Frauen in Europa im Laufe der Zeit, vom 19. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart, in den europäischen Randgebieten des Balkans und im nordatlantischen Kontext, mit Macht und Autorität umgegangen sind. Ferner werden sie untersuchen, wie die geschlechtsspezifische Entwicklung von islamischen Familiengesetzen in jedem dieser peripheren Kontexte durch die Analyse von Rechtstexten und Justizbehörden im Hinblick auf Handlungsfähigkeit und Autorität besser verstanden werden kann.


BILQIS emerges from a critical concern around Muslim women’s access to justice in Europe. BILQIS will be driven by methodological advances in Islamic feminism that the PI has been to the fore in delivering and will be primarily distinguished by its systematic and rigorous inquiries into questions of gender in relation to Islamic family laws (IFL) and IFL-related socio-religious and socio-legal power structures. The project will engage in a comparative study how Muslim women in Europe have navigated agency and authority over time from the long 19th century to the present day across diverse European peripheries, specifically the Ottoman Balkans, the post-Ottoman Balkans, and the territorial spaces that are currently governed by Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Greece, Ireland, Norway, and Sweden. BILQIS will interrogate how the gendered development of IFL in each of these peripheral contexts can be better understood in terms agency and authority through studies of legal texts and authorities (e.g. qadis, sijills, muftis, fatwas, istintâk, national court judgements) and will produce new critical, contextual, conceptual, and constructive knowledge in this regard. As a result BILQIS will break significant epistemic, conceptual and methodological impasses around shari’a, conflict of laws, and cultural pluralism in Europe. Finally, BILQIS will aim to use the sum of this new knowledge to construct a new methodological framework to transform the study of gender gaps and power imbalances related to agency and authority. This new methodology will direct the future of critical work on gender gaps across multiple disciplines (e.g. Islamic studies, Socio-legal Studies, Women’s and Gender Studies, European Studies, Near and Middle Eastern Studies, Cultural Studies, Political Philosophy, Government and Policy Studies).


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€ 1 994 249,00
H91 Galway

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Ireland Northern and Western West
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 1 994 249,00

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