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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Automated Compliance Checks for Construction, Renovation or Demolition Works


Digitale Baugenehmigungslösungen für eine klimaneutrale Zukunft

Um die Planung klimaneutraler Gebäude zu unterstützen und eine nachhaltig gebaute Umwelt zu fördern – alles im Einklang mit dem Grünen Deal der EU und der Neuen Europäischen Bauhaus-Initiative – ist es notwendig, die Genehmigungs- und Compliance-Prozesse zu digitalisieren. Außerdem muss sichergestellt werden, dass die Prozesse menschenzentriert, kosteneffizient und transparent sind. Dies ist das Ziel des EU-finanzierten Projekts ACCORD, das technische Lösungen für die Automatisierung der Konformitätsprüfung von Gebäuden in der Planungs-, Bau- und Renovierungs-/Rückbauphase entwickeln und integrieren wird. Das Projekt wird sich auf offene und neutrale Datenaustauschstandards stützen. Die Lösungen werden bei Bauprojekten in verschiedenen EU-Regulierungskontexten implementiert und demonstriert: im Vereinigten Königreich, in Finnland, Estland, Deutschland und Spanien.


ACCORD's objective is to digitalise permitting and compliance processes using BIM and other data sources to improve the productivity and quality of design and construction processes, support the design of climate-neutral buildings and advance a sustainable built environment in line with the EU Green Deal and new European Bauhaus initiative. These digitized processes must be human-centred, transparent and cost-effective for the permit applicants and authorities. Another objective is to develop and integrate technical solutions for automating compliance checking of buildings in their design, construction and renovation/demolition lifecycle phases. All this will be based on open and neutral data exchange standards.

ACCORD will develop a semantic framework for European digital building permitting processes, regulations, data and tools. This framework will drive rule formalization and integration of existing compliance tools as microservices. Solutions and tools are to be developed, providing consistency, interoperability and reliability with national regulatory frameworks, processes and standards. The solutions are implemented and demonstrated across construction projects in various EU regulatory contexts: UK, Finland, Estonia, Germany and Spain.

ACCORD supports work programme KSOs, expected outcomes and impacts by 1) developing open APIs allowing local authorities to choose their digital services without a lock-in, 2) automating the checking of environmental regulations (CO2 emissions, LCA and circular economy) by developing machine-readable rules, thus steering the digital and green transition, and involving relevant stakeholders through co-creation, and 3) creating information guidelines for structured data models to increase the value of buildings and reduce their operating costs and 4) providing the open ACCORD framework based on microservices allowing businesses to connect and develop solutions resulting in a scalable, durable and flexible permitting ecosystem.


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