Descrizione del progetto
Migliorare la salute mentale durante fasi di vita critiche
I criteri biologici che tengono conto delle differenze tra persone devono integrare diagnosi basate sui sintomi delle malattie mentali per sostenere la salute mentale. Si rivela altrettanto fondamentale migliorare il rilevamento precoce e le misure di prevenzione. Il progetto Re-MEND, finanziato dall’UE, verte su quattro fasi di vita critiche caratterizzate da cambiamenti nella segnalazione endocrina, relativi anche agli ormoni sessuali, che influenzano la suscettibilità di una persona alla malattia mentale: infanzia, pubertà, periodo post-parto e passaggio alla terza età. Il progetto integrerà i dati provenienti da ampi studi di coorte longitudinali basati sulla popolazione per svelare i fattori di rischio e protettivi, nonché i modelli biologici che condizionano gli stati mentali in queste fasi di vita. Inoltre, combinerà studi epidemiologici e sperimentali, avvalendosi di biostatistiche avanzate, apprendimento automatico e IA per l’integrazione dei dati e la scoperta di nuovi biomarcatori e bersagli farmacologici.
Mental illnesses represent a huge burden for society, the economy, and the aMental illnesses represent a huge burden for society, the economy, and the affected individuals. To significantly increase citizens? mental health, today?s symptom-based diagnoses need to be complemented by biological criteria accounting for individual and sex differences. Furthermore, early detection and prevention measures need to be improved. RE-MEND addresses the current gaps and challenges with an interdisciplinary approach by: i) focussing on four critical life stages in which an individual?s susceptibility to mental illness is strongly influenced by changes in endocrine signalling, including sex hormones, namely early life, puberty, peripartum, and transition into old age; ii) integrating data from large population-based longitudinal cohort studies allowing for discovery of risk and protective factors as well as biological patterns that influence mental states in the general population across these life stages; iii) complementing epidemiological with experimental studies to establish correlative and causative links leading to mechanistic understanding; iv) using advanced biostatistics as well as machine learning and artificial intelligence for data integration and biomarker and drug target discovery; v) combining the biological approaches with communication science studies to efficiently translate its results to societal impact. Ultemately, RE-MEND will result in: i) Significantly increased mental health literacy among stakeholders and citizens; ii) Validated biomarkers for assessing mental health state and its predisposition as well as more accurate diagnoses and personalised preventive and therapeutic measures; iii) Recommendations for early detection, better prevention, and drug design strategies to protect vulnerable individuals from mental illness in sensitive life stages; and iv) strategies on how these advances can be used to decrease stigma and increase prevention behaviour.
Campo scientifico
Parole chiave
Meccanismo di finanziamento
HORIZON-RIA - HORIZON Research and Innovation ActionsCoordinatore
751 05 Uppsala