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A PeRsOnalized Prevention roadmap for the future HEalThcare

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - PROPHET (A PeRsOnalized Prevention roadmap for the future HEalThcare)

Berichtszeitraum: 2022-09-01 bis 2024-02-29

Recognizing the potential of preventive measures in delaying disease onset and reducing healthcare costs, there's a call for the "precision-revolution" to extend to precision prevention. This involves leveraging individual biomarkers, behaviours, and socio-economic risk profiles, integrating them with personalized lifestyle and environmental interventions to improve health outcomes and save costs. Shifting healthcare provision from treating diseases to prevention and early diagnosis, and transitioning from hospital-centric care to integrated care across all levels, is crucial.
While Personalized Medicine (PM) approaches for prevention are still developing, accumulating evidence highlights the need for accompanying changes in healthcare systems. This entails reorganizing health services, engaging citizens, educating healthcare professionals, and addressing broader social and legal aspects to realize the full potential of personalized prevention.
The overarching objective of PROPHET is to co-create, with stakeholders, a Personalized Prevention Roadmap for future healthcare. This aims to support the definition and implementation of innovative, sustainable, and high-quality personalized strategies effective in preventing chronic diseases.
The PROPHET Consortium defined Personalised Prevention as follows: “Personalized prevention aims to prevent onset, progression and recurrence of diseases through the adoption of targeted interventions that consider the biological information (e.g. genetic and other biomarkers, demographics, health conditions), environmental and behavioural characteristics, socio-economic and cultural context of individuals. This should be timely, effective and equitable in order to maintain the best possible balance in lifetime health trajectory ".
During the initial 18-month period of the project, significant strides were made across various work packages:
Work Package 1 concentrated on fostering collaboration among stakeholders in the realm of Personalized Prevention to delineate and execute a Strategic Research Agenda (SRIA). A robust stakeholder engagement strategy was formulated and implemented. Additionally, the Consortium unveiled the first Concept Paper, serving as a cornerstone for the full SRIA. This paper encapsulated the project's vision and reflected on insights gleaned during the initial project year. It was prominently presented at a dedicated event in Valencia, furthering awareness and discussion.
Work Packages 2 and 3 delved into mapping activities through systematic literature reviews and expert consultations to comprehensively report on the state of research in Personalized Prevention. This exhaustive effort spanned various perspectives, including elements of basic and translational science, policy development, literacy, engagement strategies, regulation, and market access. The outcomes of these activities were instrumental in shaping the PROPHET Concept Paper, contributing significantly to the construction of the SRIA.
Work Package 5 dedicated its efforts to capacity building, focusing on raising awareness among citizens, health professionals, and policymakers about the potential and importance of Personalized Prevention. A key highlight was the execution of scoping reviews on citizen and patient engagement that will contribute in defining the engagement guidelines.
Work Package 6 was instrumental in disseminating project results through a comprehensive array of activities. These included newsletters, webinars, workshops, brochures, flyers, social media engagement, and a podcast.
Results beyond the state of the arts
In this first period, the main project result is the Concept Paper which is the first step toward the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for Personalised Prevention.
The Concept Paper has been developed by embedding the key findings of the Mapping Activities carried out on i) biomarkers, encompassing both genetic and non-genetic markers available for risk stratification in major chronic diseases; ii) on personalized prevention approaches and the barriers that restrict their implementation, and iii) on clinical utility and its indicators for genetic and omic-testing.
The path towards the SRIA begins with the release of the Concept Paper which encapsulates the consortium's vision regarding personalized prevention, its definition, and reflects on the initial insights gathered in the first year of the project regarding the gaps and challenges of personalized prevention that need to be analysed for its implementation. It was presented at a dedicated event held in Valencia (October 3, 2023).
In this first period, the main project result is the Concept Paper which is the first step toward the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for Personalised Prevention.
The Concept Paper has been developed by embedding the key findings of the Mapping Activities carried out on i) biomarkers, encompassing both genetic and non-genetic markers available for risk stratification in major chronic diseases; ii) on personalized prevention approaches and the barriers that restrict their implementation, and iii) on clinical utility and its indicators for genetic and omic-testing.
The Concept Paper encapsulates the consortium's vision regarding personalized prevention, its definition, and reflects on the initial insights gathered in the first year of the project regarding the gaps and challenges of personalized prevention that need to be analysed for its implementation. The document illustrates the interconnections between three levels of prevention (primary, secondary, tertiary) and three levels of data (Bio-, individual-, contextual), integrating findings from questionnaires and interviews. The Concept Paper is published on the PROPHET website and serves as the foundation for further collaborative work with stakeholders. It was presented at a dedicated event held in Valencia (October 3, 2023).
The PROPHET Methodology
Consortium - Valencia Workshop on October 2023