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Next generation advanced RNA inhibition therapy to treat cardiometabolic disease

Descrizione del progetto

Terapie a base di RNA per le malattie cardiometaboliche

Le malattie cardiometaboliche comprendono il diabete, la steatosi epatica non alcolica e la malattia cardiovascolare aterosclerotica. Sebbene tali malattie spesso coesistano nei pazienti, devono ancora essere concepiti degli interventi che ne contrastino i bersagli comuni e i percorsi condivisi. Il progetto LiverTarget, finanziato dall’UE, riunisce esperti internazionali del settore per sviluppare e testare terapie innovative contro queste malattie cardiometaboliche. I ricercatori si concentreranno sulle terapie a base di acido ribonucleico (RNA), tra cui l’RNA interferente breve, per silenziare l’espressione di geni infiammatori nel fegato. Queste molecole di RNA saranno complessate con nanoparticelle lipidiche per una proficua somministrazione epatica, la cui efficacia è stata testata in fase preclinica nei modelli murini, e saranno valutati i candidati principali.


RNA Therapeutics comprise a new rapidly expanding category of drugs including small interfering RNAs (siRNA) and messenger RNAs (mRNA) that have attracted tremendous interest recently due to their first in-class drug approvals and notable success of the mRNA vaccines in the clinic.

Obesity, diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD), in turn, are highly prevalent devastating diseases of our times despite available medicines, accounting for more than one in two deaths worldwide. They frequently co-exist, in the same patient, and constitute independent risk factors for each other; yet, unified approaches directed against common targets and shared mechanisms are lacking.

LiverTarget aims at exploiting Partners years of research in the field of cardiometabolic research, the identification of ceramide pathways and inflammatory targets, and the development of novel siRNA technologies and lipid formulations, to:

1. Generate innovative siRNA pools and synthetic mRNAs to regulate ceramide and inflammatory targets in the liver.
2. Formulate them in established human-approved liver-targeting lipid nanoparticles (LNP).
3. Determine their efficacy in vivo in preclinical mouse models of obesity, diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and atherosclerosis.
4. Complete the necessary safety and toxicology evaluation of the most promising lead candidates and prepare the preclinical evaluation dossier for the European Medicines Agency (EMA).

This will result in a set of novel RNA-LNP formulations, directed against targets shared between ASCVD, diabetes and NAFLD, with demonstrated efficacy and toxicology, ready for further clinical development. It will also open up new directions of research towards the development innovative RNA therapeutics against liver targets for the treatment of cardiometabolic diseases, ultimately benefiting the patient, the society and the economy.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 2 018 750,00
33100 Tampere

Mostra sulla mappa

Manner-Suomi Länsi-Suomi Pirkanmaa
Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Costo totale
€ 2 018 750,00

Partecipanti (8)