Periodic Reporting for period 1 - FOODCoST (FOODCoST: FOOD Costing and Internalisation of Externalities for System Transition)
Berichtszeitraum: 2022-06-01 bis 2023-11-30
(1) To build a FOODCoST stakeholder platform to cocreate new options for internalization of externalities with stakeholders with a Community of Practice (CoP), Mobilisation and Mutual Learning (MMLs) and case studies.
(2) To create a harmonized methodology for the valuation of externalities and an EU-global database of externality data. The FOODCoST VALUATION guide will describe the steps needed to calculate external costs and benefits for externalities.
(3) To develop a framework for the internalization of externalities through policies and business models/ strategies: The FOODCoST framework for INTERNALISATION. In order to underpin pathways towards sustainable food systems based on the internalisation of externalities, policies and business models and strategies will be identified.
(4) To assess the impact of internalising externalities and outline the FOODCoST Roadmap. The roadmap will enable actors to enhance the EU’s ability to contribute to a sustainable food system.
The expected outcomes: (1) Better understanding by policymakers, businesses and other actors of challenges and opportunities in relation to the internalisation of externalities, (2) Well-informed policy at all levels on the possible ways of steering decision making towards sustainable food, (3) Widespread use by policymakers, farmers and businesses of improved and harmonized approaches to identify, measure and value positive and negative externalities and (4) Better internalisation of the positive and negative externalities so that the most sustainable and healthy food becomes the most affordable and available for consumers while generating fair economic returns in the supply chain in particular for farmers and SMEs.
We aim to have impacts on (1) Science: High quality new scientific knowledge available for better policies and business strategies. Strong and active EU-wide network of R&I institutions and universities and (2) Society: (a) With harmonized methodologies to calculate the externalities, policy tools, recommendations and impact assessment methods, policymakers will be more inclined to release policies and incentives supporting the sustainable transition (b) Food businesses will be able to identify and implement high leverage actions to make their operations sustainable which significantly increase sustainability motivated operations among European food businesses contributing to welfare (c) Incentivized with the right policy and business strategies, primary producers will be able to increase their income while delivering societal benefits (d) Sustainable food affordable to all consumer groups and decision making made easier thanks to more transparent labeling.
- The CoP has been built with 34 members across EU; we aim to recruit more policymakers
- 3 MMLs have been organised with 48 external attendees
- The case studies started their activities and have been studied resulting in D5.1
SO2: Valuation
- The fundament for valuation has been formulated and discussed with the partners and with stakeholders during one of the MMLs
- For 5-6 “new” externalities we elaborate the methodology how to calculate the true costs; the methodology will be applied in the case studies.
- A start has been made with the inventory of public available databases for indicators to measure externalities and for monetisation factors.
No effort has been spent on “How to measure the degree of internalisation of externalities”. This is planned for the next period.
SO3: Internalisation
- A study on policy instruments and measurements aiming to internalise externalities has been finalised and submitted as Deliverable 2.1 including ideas for policies that aim to reduce externalities have been formulated and will feed the case studies.
- An interim internal report on business models covering externalities has been finalized in M12 to provide inputs to other partners and will be submitted as a Deliverable in the next period; the report includes ideas that will be explored in the case studies.
- A work on designing (micro-models) and improving macro models (MAGNET, CAPRI) in FOODCoST toolbox for the internalization of externalities has been ongoing.
SO4: Impact
- A baseline scenario has been formulated (MAGNET and CAPRI model) – aligned with other EU projects such as BrightSpace. Internal presentation is planned for the plenary meeting on 5 December 2023.