Descrizione del progetto
Mappare, comprendere e sviluppare la resistenza alle politiche «anti-genere»
Nonostante di recente siano stati compiuti dei progressi, la lotta per la parità di genere, l’integrità corporea e l’autodeterminazione è ancora in corso. Le contrapposizioni alle libertà di genere e all’inclusione delle persone transgender minano i movimenti femministi e LGBTQI+, gli studi critici e le libertà accademiche. Orientato dagli approfondimenti offerti dal femminismo e dalla politica queer, RESIST intende le differenze sociali come intersecanti tra loro. Il progetto esaminerà l’impatto delle cosiddette politiche «anti-genere» in tutta Europa e non solo. Sviluppando metodi per creare e sostenere l’impegno collettivo verso la liberazione sessuale e di genere, il progetto mapperà le politiche anti-genere e indagherà le esperienze di vita vissuta e le strategie di contrasto. Il team di ricerca collaborerà con la società civile per produrre nuove idee e soluzioni. RESIST orienterà il processo di legislazione, con l’obiettivo di apportare beneficio alle persone soggette a discriminazioni incrociate e la popolazione in generale.
Anti-gender politics pose a grave threat to modern democratic formations because they challenge people's everyday survival, bodily integrity, and self-determination. Anti-gender spans the political spectrum and manifests not only in illiberal and authoritarian regimes but also in democracies that are considered liberal and inclusive. Taking a transnational and intersectional approach, RESIST analyses anti-gender formations in their complexity and contradictions and explores the effects of anti-gender politics on the everyday lives of those vulnerable to it and on democracies on the whole. RESIST engages with heterogeneous manifestations of anti-gender across the EU, Europe, and beyond through eight national case studies (Belarus, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Poland, Spain, Switzerland) and a transnational case study of people living in exile as a result of anti-gender persecution. RESIST pursues a mixed methods approach to analyse the production and circulation of gender-equality repressive strategies and discourses and their effects on lived experiences and resistances. RESIST innovates methodologically to engender democracy by fostering collaboration between academia and civil society organisations (CSOs), especially amongst people who come to be targets of anti-gender, including women and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI+) persons. If those social groups whose fundamental rights are most at risk of violation by anti-gender are empowered to resist, then entire democratic societies benefit. RESIST centres feminist agency and collaborative knowledge production in (a) the research contents and results, (b) the methodological design, and (c) the social impact by generating new responsive feminist theories and practical solutions. At a time of increasing political disillusionment, RESIST creates hopeful, imaginative futures, transformative theories, and more inclusive worlds.
Campo scientifico
Parole chiave
Meccanismo di finanziamento
HORIZON-RIA - HORIZON Research and Innovation ActionsCoordinatore
4 Dublin