CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Environmental gentrification and emerging collectives in uncertain times


Eine anthropologische Studie zu neuen Formen der kollektiven Fürsorge

Nachhaltige Städte sind zweifellos sinnvoll, denn sie bieten ihrer Bevölkerung zahlreiche Vorteile und eine höhere Lebensqualität. Doch die hierarchisch geprägten Paradigmen der Stadtsanierung führen dabei zur Entstehung von ökologisch privilegierten Enklaven. Das bedeutet, dass diese Vorteile für einkommensschwächere Gruppen und Minderheiten nicht in demselben Maße zugänglich sind. Mit Unterstützung der Marie-Skłodowska-Curie-Maßnahmen wird das Projekt TAKEBACK untersuchen, in welcher Weise die Zivilgesellschaft und soziale Bewegungen die herausfordernde Aufgabe angehen, eine inklusivere, nachhaltigere und gerechtere städtische Umwelt zu schaffen. Das Projekt wird die dynamischen Entwicklungsverläufe und Praktiken der kollektiven Fürsorge im Rahmen des Aktivismus untersuchen und damit einen Beitrag zur laufenden Debatte über die Bedeutungsverschiebungen von städtischer Bürgerschaft in einer zunehmend verwundbaren Welt leisten.


This project is an anthropological study of emerging forms of collective care at a moment where the interlocking crises of capitalism, democracy, and the environment have become more apparent than ever before. In the Global North, there is an increasing sense of urgency to enhance cities' sustainability. Yet, top-down paradigms of urban regeneration can contribute creating enclaves of environmental privilege, thereby excluding lower income and minority groups from their benefits. Much recent scholarly debate has focused on the multiple effects of evictions and displacements, as well as on active practices of resistance. But what happens if, after years of protests, grassroots groups become the main actors in processes of collective re-appropriation and management of urban spaces?

TAKEBACK is based on an ethnographic study of collective reappropriations of vacant ex-industrial buildings, retrieved from top-down reconversion by activists and local residents in Montreal, Canada. By going beyond a view of social movements as bounded and organised entities, it explores the understudied topic of the “afterlives of a movement”, namely what happens when a heterogeneous political collective reaches some of its goals and, thus, changes shape, ambitions, and setting. It examines evolving trajectories and practices of collective care within activism, in order to contribute to debates on the shifting meanings of urban citizenship in an increasingly vulnerable world.

TAKEBACK will allow me to gain new knowledge in the areas of urban geography and visual ethnography, to combine this with my previous expertise in political anthropology and ethnographic research, and to further my career prospects with a book monograph as major output of the fellowship. The project also speaks directly to EU missions directed at supporting the European Green Deal and Just Transition Mechanism.


€ 187 248,96
10129 Torino

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Nord-Ovest Piemonte Torino
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
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