CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Neuroactive compounds in Tomatoes and their role in the development of neurodegenerative diseases via the gut-brain axis using a multi-Omics approach


Beeinflussen neuroaktive Verbindungen in der Ernährung die Entstehung neurodegenerativer Erkrankungen?

Es mehren sich die Hinweise auf einen Zusammenhang zwischen Ernährung, Darm und neurodegenerativen Erkrankungen. Das über die Marie-Skłodowska-Curie-Maßnahmen finanzierte Projekt NeuroTOm hat zum Ziel, die Bedeutung der Exposition gegenüber neuroaktiven Verbindungen in der Nahrung zu verstehen. Anhand der Tomate als Nahrungsquelle wird die Studie die Rolle dieser chemischen Stoffe entlang der Darm-Hirn-Achse und die Entwicklung von neurodegenerativen Erkrankungen nach deren Verdauung erkunden. Die neuroprotektiven und neurodisruptiven Verbindungen aus biologisch angebauten, konventionellen und verarbeiteten Tomaten werden mithilfe von Massenspektrometrie charakterisiert. Anhand von In-vitro-Darmmodellen wird der Verbleib dieser Verbindungen im Darm erkundet. Es sollen mikrobiellen Metaboliten im Darm und ihre Wirkung auf Darmepithelzellen bestimmt werden.


Neurodegenerative (ND) diseases are debilitating and largely untreatable conditions that affect millions worldwide, including 7+ million Europeans. Although there remains no cure, there is growing evidence of a correlation between diet, gut, and ND diseases but a deeper understanding of what happens to neuroactive compounds once digested and their role in the communication between gut and brain is still missing. In response, NeuroTOm will answer complex questions about human exposure to neuroactive compounds (using tomato as a model food), such as what happens to these chemicals during digestion and their role in the gut-brain axis and ND disease development. It will use advanced mass spectrometry-based techniques to characterise neuroprotective and neuro-disrupting compounds in tomatoes produced organically, conventionally, and processed. An in vitro batch colon model will then be applied to investigate the fate of these compounds in the gut microbiome and identify gut-microbial metabolites. A step towards more realistic conditions will be made by investigating how the presence of neuro-disrupting compounds influences the bioavailability and beneficial effects of neuroprotective compounds in the gut. Selected compounds will also be tested using an innovative in vitro 3D colon (organoid) model to determine the role of neuroprotective/disruptive compounds and their gut microbial metabolites on intestinal epithelium cells. The proposed research is highly interdisciplinary and encompasses analytical and food chemistry, holistic and multi-omics approaches, nutritional biochemistry, biotechnology, and aspects of neuroscience. The goal of NeuroTOm is to extend the knowledge of diet–gut microbiome–host (brain) interactions and will contribute towards preventing or alleviating the burden of ND disease.


€ 172 750,08
38098 San Michele All'Adige

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Nord-Est Provincia Autonoma di Trento Trento
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
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