CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Facilitating Autonomy in Astrodynamics for Spacecraft Technology


Optimierung der autonomen Steuerung selbstfahrender Raumfahrzeuge

Eine verbesserte autonome Steuerung kann den Nutzen kleiner Raumfahrzeuge wie CubeSats erhöhen. Über das im Rahmen der Marie-Skłodowska-Curie-Maßnahmen finanzierte Projekt FAAST sollen nun Führungs- und Steuerungsalgorithmen für diese und andere Arten interplanetarer Raumfahrzeuge entwickelt werden. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf dem autonomen Orbitalflug und der Steuerung für wissenschaftliche Weltraummissionen, insbesondere die Steuerung von Missionen in der Nähe von Asteroiden. Das Projekt trägt auch zum EXTREMA-Projekt der DART-Gruppe bei, in dem neue Führungs-, Navigations- und Kontrollverfahren für selbstfahrende Raumfahrzeuge erstellt werden. Die Forschungsaktivitäten reichen von grundlegenden Entwicklungen im Bereich der Himmelsmechanik und Astrodynamik zur Aufstellung spezifischer Algorithmen und deren Demonstration in originalgetreuen Umgebungen. Gleichzeitig wird die transatlantische Kooperation zwischen Forschungsgemeinschaften zur Raumfahrt in den Vereinigten Staaten und der EU angeregt.


The FAAST project (Facilitating Autonomy in Astrodynamics for Spacecraft Technology) is proposed for developing autonomous guidance and control algorithms for CubeSats and other interplanetary spacecraft. This project will be conducted with Prof. Francesco Topputo of the DART group at Politecnico di Milano (Polimi) in Italy, which has expertise in deep-space guidance, navigation, and control (GNC) from its past and present involvement with ESA projects, including multiple CubeSat missions. The primary focus of FAAST is on autonomous orbit guidance and control for deep-space scientific space missions - a challenging problem which currently must be handled by dedicated teams of engineers on Earth which support the spacecraft's operations. In particular, this work is concerned with autonomous guidance and control in the vicinity of asteroids, which presents a particularly challenging environment. The FAAST project will contribute to, benefit from, and interface with the DART group's EXTREMA project, a 5 year (2021-2026) €2M project funded by the European Research Council. EXTREMA is developing new GNC techniques for self-driving spacecraft.

FAAST proposes research activity that spans from fundamental developments in celestial mechanics and astrodynamics to specific algorithm development and demonstration in a high-fidelity setting. This presents an ambitious course of research for a two-year project, but it is well-organized into four achievable objectives. The researcher holds a PhD in Aerospace Engineering Sciences from the University of Colorado Boulder, a leading institution in spaceflight education and research. The supervisor is a Full Professor of Aerospace Engineering at Polimi, and a leading expert in spacecraft GNC and interplanetary CubeSats. This project has the potential to meaningfully advance the state-of-the-art in spacecraft guidance and control while facilitating transatlantic cooperation between the US and EU spaceflight research communities.


€ 172 750,08
20133 Milano

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Nord-Ovest Lombardia Milano
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
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