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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Teaching Greek in Eleventh-Century Byzantium. Schedography and Its Methods


Die Rolle der Schedographie im Byzanz des 11. Jahrhunderts

Vom 11. bis zum 15. Jahrhundert war die Schedographie die wichtigste Grammatiklehrmethode an den byzantinischen Schulen. In der aktuellen Literatur wird ihr Einfluss auf die Art des Griechischunterrichts, die Lehrpläne sowie die Ziele der byzantinischen Bildungs- und Kulturpolitik hervorgehoben. Allerdings sind die Studien der edierten schedographischen Quellen nicht sehr umfangreich. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt TeaGre will hier Abhilfe schaffen, indem es sich auf die Zeit konzentriert, in der sich die Schedographie zu verbreiten begann. TeaGre betrachtet die Schedographie im Kontext der byzantinischen Kultur des 11. Jahrhunderts sowie der aktuellen Schulpraxis und stützt sich hierbei auf das Handbuch von Longibardos, die wichtigste Quelle für diese Epoche. Ziel der Arbeit ist eine kritische Edition des Handbuchs von Longibardos und anderer bisher nicht edierter schedographischer Werke sowie ein einheitlicher linguistischer und stilistischer Ansatz für schedographische Quellen.


Schedography is a Byzantine method of teaching Greek grammar that was popular from the eleventh century to the early modern period. The study of this method enables a better understanding of 1) which kind of Greek was taught and how its teaching was conducted in medieval schools; 2) the influence of school curriculum on writing and reading practices in Byzantium; 3) the purposes of Byzantine education and cultural politics. The existent studies offer sound, but general, overviews and several schedographic sources are unedited. Furthermore, there is the lack of a consistent approach to the study of the edited schedographic sources.

My project addresses this issue by looking at the eleventh century, when this method began to spread. I will frame schedography within the context of eleventh-century Byzantine culture and of contemporary school practices. Furthermore, I will examine the most relevant source for this period, the handbook by Longibardos, to describe its teaching method through a linguistic and stylistic analysis. My project will also lead to a critical edition of Longibardos’ handbook and other unedited eleventh-century schedographic remnants.

TeaGre will offer both the first study of schedography and its early evolution as well as a consistent linguistic and stylistic approach to schedographic sources. The simultaneous presence of the ERC-funded projects MELA and EVWRIT at Ghent University places my MSCA Fellowship within a context of substantial and innovative research on Classical, Late Antique and Medieval Greek language and education. The edition of Longibardos and eleventh-century schedographic texts will also expand the database for the study of Greek literature and language that is currently being developed at Ghent University. Through this fellowship, I will improve my professional profile into a more complete Greek scholar and my project will provide me with the proof of concept for my further research on this topic.


€ 175 920,00
9000 Gent

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Vlaams Gewest Prov. Oost-Vlaanderen Arr. Gent
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
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