Descrizione del progetto
Stabilire gli standard europei per la realtà estesa
La realtà estesa (XR) viene definita come una tecnologia in grado di fondere il mondo fisico e quello virtuale ed è un connubio di realtà virtuale, realtà aumentata e realtà mista. Come ogni tecnologia, la realtà estesa si scontra con determinate difficoltà, in particolare per quanto riguarda la privacy, la protezione, l’etica e la sicurezza associata. Il progetto XR4Human, finanziato dall’UE, intende stabilire orientamenti in presa diretta su questioni etiche e relative a politiche, normative, governance e interoperabilità delle tecnologie di realtà estesa all’interno di una comunità di pratica europea. Il lavoro realizzato nell’ambito del progetto aprirà la strada a un ecosistema forte e competitivo guidato da aziende europee per una più ampia diffusione, adozione e accettazione delle tecnologie di realtà estesa.
eXtended Reality (XR) technologies have within a few years moved from lab-based research to a common-place consumer item. Indeed, the benefits of and the possibilities that XR technologies offer to promote and enhance are prolific. As with other emerging technologies, however, the use and eventual ubiquity of XR technologies bring with them potential risks that have not existed before. Of particular importance are new ethical, and associated safety, privacy, security challenges and interoperability issues that needs to be considered now. Developing the foundations to ensure that Europe is sufficiently equipped to leverage these opportunities through skillful navigation of new challenges is the rationale for XR4HUMAN.
The MAIN OBJECTIVE of the project is to co-create living guidance on ethical and related policy, regulatory, governance, and interoperability issues of XR technologies within a European community of practice. This main objective will be operationalized through the following specific objectives:
EXPLORE (i) ethical issues; and (ii) related regulatory and governance issues;
GUIDE companies and regulators through (i) Interoperability Guidance Document; (ii) a European Code of Conduct for Equitable, Inclusive, and Human-Centered XR Technologies; (iii) recording and demonstrating the practical application of the XR Code of Conduct;
EQUIP companies and regulators with an online repository of test cases to allow developers to demonstrate evidence of adherence to best practices;
EQUIP and GUIDE users through a rating system and educational materials;
ENGAGE companies and other stakeholders (i) to enhance the uptake of the XR Code of Conduct, the Guidance for Interoperability, and the empowerment of end-users; and (ii) to establish a permanent digital European Forum to facilitate stakeholder dialogue on issues of ethics and interoperability.
Campo scientifico
Parole chiave
Meccanismo di finanziamento
HORIZON-CSA - HORIZON Coordination and Support ActionsCoordinatore
3184 BORRE