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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Living Therapeutic and Regenerative Materials with Specialised Advanced Layers

Descrizione del progetto

Materiali viventi ispirati alla pelle

Rispetto ai materiali convenzionali, i biomateriali che si incontrano negli organismi viventi sono caratterizzati da un’architettura specifica, un’organizzazione e spesso presentano molteplici funzioni. I materiali viventi ingegnerizzati (ELM) sono emersi come cardine della biologia sintetica e della scienza dei materiali per produrre materiali con funzioni migliorate grazie agli organismi viventi al loro interno. Finanziato dal Consiglio europeo per l’innovazione, il progetto NextSkins si ispira alla struttura/funzione dei diversi strati della pelle. I ricercatori imiteranno la disposizione specializzata della pelle per produrre due materiali viventi ingegnerizzati: uno con una funzione terapeutica per trattare patologie della pelle e uno con una funzione rigenerativa da utilizzare come indumento protettivo negli sport.


Skin is a living interface with layers of specialised functions (sensing, regeneration, protection). The level of complexity in skins is currently unreached in engineered living materials (ELMs). Here we will create skin-inspired ELMs with layers with living cells, specialised properties and functions. Our living skins are based on a grown matrix hosting engineered multicellular consortia that build and functionalise different layers. Spatiotemporal patterning is realised by genetic control and the physicochemical properties of cells and biomolecules. Our aim is to generate platform technologies to advance biological ELMs and make two proof-of-concept engineered living skins with different applications:

We will fabricate a self-encapsulated Living Therapeutic Skin (LTS) made of a bacterial cellulose hydrogel matrix with sense-and-respond cells. LTS will have an interactive layer with sensing functions, a core layer for responsive living cells, and a barrier layer for biocontainment and hydration. An example LTS will be designed to sense pathogenic skin bacteria in eczema and release biosynthesised therapeutic molecules.

A dry and tough Living Regenerative Skin (LRS) consisting of biomineralized biopolymers hosting bacterial spores will be fabricated as an alternative to traditional inert materials (ceramics, plastics) in protective garments. The LRS biomineralized core will arrange in microscale layers, like tough biominerals in nature (nacre, bone, dentin). LRS will be encapsulated in an activator shell, engineered to prevent water penetration and to memorize local mechanical experience, giving local self-reinforcement of mechanically stressed regions, a unique property compared to current materials and other ELMs.

As a powerful strategy to accelerate the adoption of our living materials in society, we will systematically involve the potential end-users and designers in our research for the materials and product development to happen in synergy.

Meccanismo di finanziamento



Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 901 469,75
2628 CN Delft
Paesi Bassi

Mostra sulla mappa

West-Nederland Zuid-Holland Delft en Westland
Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Costo totale
€ 1 901 469,75

Partecipanti (1)

Partner (1)