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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

European Literatures and Gender from a Transnational Perspective

Description du projet

Des perspectives transnationales et de genre dans l’approche des études littéraires et culturelles

La production culturelle européenne doit être réexaminée à la lumière des négociations politiques et sociales complexes qui façonnent actuellement les identités et les espaces européens. EUTERPE, qui est financé au titre des Actions Marie Skłodowska-Curie, regroupe des recherches, des formations et des publications en libre accès dans le domaine des études littéraires interdisciplinaires et transnationales axées sur le genre. Neuf chercheurs en début de carrière (CDC) seront formés et supervisés. Les recherches seront organisées dans quatre domaines principaux impliquant la littérature féminine transnationale, les genres traductionnels, les femmes intellectuelles transnationales, le multilinguisme et les pédagogies européennes de décolonisation, ainsi que la littérature et la production culturelle transnationales. Les CDC coproduiront un dictionnaire de la littérature féminine transnationale en Europe en libre accès ainsi qu’un catalogue numérique et une bibliothèque de podcasts.


The aim of EUTERPE (European Literatures and Gender in Transnational Perspective) is to offer an innovative approach to rethinking European cultural production in the light of complex social and political negotiations that are shaping European spaces and identities at present. EUTERPE intends to do that by bringing together gender and transnational perspectives within an interdisciplinary approach to literary and cultural studies. EUTERPE proposes to train and supervise 9 ESRs in interdisciplinary, transnational, gender focused literary studies. The research is organized into 8 WPs within four main areas: 1. Transnational women’s literature and its travels: points of entry and pathways (WP 1, WP2); 2. Translational genres: crossing borders in gender, form, space, and identity (WP 3, WP4); 3. Transnational women intellectuals, multilingualism and decolonising European pedagogies (WP 5, WP6); 4. Transnational literature and cultural production: intermediality as a form of translation (WP7, WP8). The ESRs’ academic training will include two supervisors from cooperating universities, a compulsory secondment period, and an industrial internship with an Associated Partner organization to support bespoke employability enhancement. Major impact outputs of the project: 9 PhD theses; a co-produced open source Dictionary of Transnational Women’s Literature in Europe with key concepts and bio-bibliographic entries on leading representatives of the field; and a Digital Catalogue and Podcast Library, which will make accessible all relevant material collected during the creation of the Dictionary. As a complex project, which brings together research, training, and open access publications of innovative and long-lasting value, EUTERPE will have strong influence in the intersecting fields of literary and gender studies, as well as in the connecting fields of transnational studies, translation studies, migration studies and European studies.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 540 662,40
1100 Wien

Voir sur la carte

Ostösterreich Wien Wien
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
Aucune donnée

Participants (5)

Partenaires (9)