CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

STOP SPREAD BAD BUGS: novel antimicrobial approaches to combat multidrug resistance in bacteria


Ausbildungsnetz für die Entwicklung neuartiger Antibiotika zur Bekämpfung antimikrobieller Resistenzen

Multiple Resistenzen bei Bakterien erfordern dringend die Entwicklung alternativer Ansätze zur Entdeckung neuartiger Antibiotika. Das im Rahmen der Marie-Skłodowska-Curie-Maßnahmen finanzierte Projekt STOP SPREAD BAD BUGS vereint ein Forschungskonsortium, das 15 Nachwuchsforschende in den Bereichen Arzneimittelentwicklung, Infektiologie, Immunologie und Pharmakologie ausbilden wird. Die von Fachleuten durchgeführten Weiterbildung wird Themen wie Kohlenhydrat- und Proteinchemie für die Wirkstoffentdeckung, Wirkmechanismen aktueller antimikrobieller Verbindungen und computergestützte Chemie der Wechselwirkungen neuartiger Antibiotika mit Krankheitserregern abdecken. Mit einer Reihe von Infektionsmodellen und hochmodernen Bildgebungsinstrumenten werden die Teilnehmenden die Wirksamkeit in präklinischen Tests bestimmen sowie die Bakterien und Antibiotika in diesen Testsystemen nachverfolgen können.


STOP SPREAD BAD BUGS is a new multi-disciplinary research/training consortium built to combat the alarming problem of global antimicrobial resistance. Multi-drug resistance (MDR) in bacteria is becoming increasingly common thus urgently calling for alternative approaches to develop and implement novel antibiotics. We envision a definitive solution that will require a paradigm shift. Its foundation shall be the training of a new generation of future 15 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) by world-renowned experts in the field of drug development, infectiology, immunology and pharmacology. A unique state-of the-art teaching/training pipeline shall be developed across 7 academic and 5 SME partners with complementary expertise in the development and testing of novel approaches to antimicrobial therapy in humans. We shall establish knowledge and expertise on carbohydrate and protein chemistry for the discovery of new drug candidates, while characterizing the underlying mechanism of existing compounds for treatment of microbial infections. Computational modelling shall optimize the interactions of the novel entities with selected pathogens. A range of infection models allows partners to simultaneously determine compound efficacy in pre-clinical settings and investigate the potential effects of the novel antimicrobials on host tissues. State-of-the-art imaging tools will be applied to track the bacteria and novel compounds in these test systems. Uniquely, the pipeline will also determine the pharmacokinetics, and the effects of compounds on host microbiota and host immunity. Understanding the mechanisms of action of the novel antimicrobials shall provide insights into new antimicrobial mechanisms, which may be further exploited in spin-off projects. This approach means that the STOP SPREAD BAD BUGS consortium will deliver uniquely trained, multi- and interdisciplinary ESRs that will take the continuing fight against global MDR safely into the future.


€ 548 740,80
3015 GD Rotterdam

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West-Nederland Zuid-Holland Groot-Rijnmond
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
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Beteiligte (15)

Partner (12)