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Deeptech startup support programme to facilitate ventures thriving in the European Widening area

Descrizione del progetto

Sostenere le start-up nell’accedere ai mercati

Non è semplice per le start-up di tecnologia avanzata uscire dai laboratori e inserirsi con successo sul mercato; infatti, le difficoltà culturali, giuridiche ed economiche con cui devono confrontarsi sono numerose e varie. Per molte di loro, la principale sfida consiste nei lunghi tempi necessari a raggiungere un livello di maturità, il che rende difficile attirare investitori. Nei paesi in via di espansione, la commercializzazione è ancora più impegnativa. Al fine di invertire questa tendenza, la Commissione europea ha avviato iniziative in tutta Europa (il Consiglio europeo degli investimenti e Startup Europe). In questo contesto, il progetto VENTURES THRIVE, finanziato dall’UE, sosterrà 32 start-up fornendo fino a 100 000 euro (sia in contanti che in buoni) a ciascuna di esse, aiutandole ad accedere ai mercati mediante sfide aziendali e opportunità di networking.


European startups face barriers when scaling due to the cultural, legal and economic fragmentation of the market. While the EU demonstrates high performance in “the lab”, this does not translate proportionally into thriving commercial ventures. For deeptech startups, the key challenge is the lengthy time needed to reach a maturity level adequate for adoption, making investing risky. In the case of Widening Countries, commercialization of deeptech is even more challenging.
The EC has made a substantial effort to support deeptech with initiatives aiming to invest in and connect entrepreneurs at a pan-European scale (EIC Accelerator and the Startup Europe initiative). VENTURES THRIVE inherits the spirit of these initiatives, concretely building on three waves of Startup Europe with a novel approach targeted at deeptech startups in Widening Area countries. This unique open innovation startup programme will provide up to €100K (cash and vouchers) each to a total of 32 startups. Along with equity-free funding, the core programme offers value-add services aimed at: fostering access to markets via corporate challenges, improved investment readiness, and greater visibility, investment and networking opportunities. The project consortium and external associates comprise venture builders, event organisers, VC & Angel Investors, corporates and expert mentors. Overall, the startups are expected to unlock +€18M via investment, grants and corporate procurement.
The secret ingredient is the consortium and their extensive networks. ACCELER8 (Malta) is a venture builder commercialising top-level scientific innovations. ANTHOLOGY VENTURES (Bulgaria) is a venture studio, incubating early-stage teams and business angels. WOLVES SUMMIT (Poland), the major event for startups in the CEE region, offers the perfect connection with investors, corporates and the tech community. Notably, they have already facilitated over 37,000 meetings between startups and investors from +60 countries.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 766 250,00
MST 1019 Mosta

Mostra sulla mappa


L’organizzazione si è definita una PMI (piccola e media impresa) al momento della firma dell’accordo di sovvenzione.

Malta Malta Malta
Tipo di attività
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Costo totale
€ 1 766 250,00

Partecipanti (2)