CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Preventing obesity through Biologically and bEhaviorally Tailored inTERventions for you - BETTER4U


Der globalen Gewichtskrise entgegentreten

Die Fallzahlen von Adipositas steigen immer weiter an. Daher muss die Gewichtskontrolle revolutioniert werden, indem das komplexe Geflecht an Einflussfaktoren im Bereich der globalen Epidemie von Übergewicht und Adipositas entwirrt wird. Die Zunahme von Übergewicht und Adipositas ist eine enorme Herausforderung im Bereich der Volksgesundheit, für die innovative Lösungen notwendig sind. Daher soll im EU-finanzierten Projekt BETTER4U mit fortschrittlichen KI-Technologien und globaler Zusammenarbeit der polygene Hintergrund von Gewichtszunahme aufgeschlüsselt werden. Zu den ehrgeizigen Zielen gehört eine personalisierte Interventionsmethode, der Einsatz von Instrumenten zur Echtzeitkontrolle und eine umfassende klinische Studie. Das BETTER4U-Team will nicht nur das Problem erklären, sondern konkrete, global anpassbare Lösungen anbieten und damit einen wichtigen Schritt in Richtung einer gesünderen Zukunft machen.


BETTER4U aims at the identification and personalized management of all weight gain determinants to battle the increasingly rising numbers of overweight/obesity, via homogenous, globally adaptable and practically assessed public health initiatives and key interventions. Building on previous key projects and biobanks, the project will focus on the hitherto neglected impact of the polygenic background of weight gain on the effectiveness of lifestyle interventions for weight management in people with overweight/obesity. BETTER4U aims to probe into the global obesity challenge, study the problem and offer solutions in a tangible realistic way with the assistance of modern AI technologies and the contribution of experts around the world. BETTER4U will be realized through the following objectives: 1. To comprehensively understand and decipher genetics, metabolomics, microbiota, socio-economic, geographical, cultural and lifestyle features linked to weight gain throughout the life course, via meta-analyses (BETTER4U data from >50 studies, >1 million individuals) and extensive literature meta-review. 2.To develop the BETTER4U intervention methodology for weight gain prevention, based on a causal AI model of obesity determinants and a pilot study in 7 European countries. 3.To deploy technology-assisted, real-time monitoring tools to measure detailed behavioral indicators and their relation to the environmental context. 4.To evaluate the efficacy of the novel BETTER4U intervention methodology in a controlled, randomized clinical trial, based on individually-tailored recommendations for lifestyle change. 5.To maximize transferability and applicability of the BETTER4U intervention methodology by identifying implementation barriers and facilitators, as well as to evaluate implementation outcomes in both participants and stakeholders. 6. To develop and disseminate the BETTER4Uobesity prevention intervention methodology guidelines using a people-centred, sustainable care approach.


€ 1 817 812,50
176 71 ATHINA

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Αττική Aττική Νότιος Τομέας Αθηνών
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 1 817 812,50

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